Acupuncture Therapy Is A Reasonable Alternative In Many Medical Conditions

Author: Needle Pro

The theories upon which acupuncture are based have likely been around since before history was first recorded, approximately 1,500 BC. Acupuncture is still part of the most widely practiced model of medicine in the world. Current modern research may be putting acupuncture into new western paradigms (endorphins, holograms, quantum physics, reflex arcs, etc.) which explain acupuncture in the language of Western Science. Nonetheless, the language and the principles of classical acupuncture will likely continue for the foreseeable future to be an important part of medical care.

At times, I think it is valid for physicians to consider some acupuncturists as competition for medical care. In some states the acupuncturists have even pushed for legislation that prohibits physicians from providing acupuncture unless they are trained in a similar fashion. In so doing, they are effectively trying to deny physicians a role in this specialty of medicine. They are also undervaluing the medical training and experience by promoting this type of legislation. The first concern, however, must be the welfare of patients. General practitioners who refer patients to an acupuncturist rather than to a medical specialist may be concerned that a proven effective and safe therapeutic option is being overlooked for their patient. In these cases, prudence dictates a standard referral if not before at least in conjunction with the acupuncture referral.All physicians are justified in having this concern whether the intervention is conventional or otherwise. Preventive care has often been undervalued in the medical system and this is reflected in the often poor reimbursement provided for preventive services. It is a general opinion that trivial concerns, if attended to properly, often can delay or prevent more serious and disabling conditions from occurring. Since there is virtually no data on acupuncture's ability to prevent illness, it is still awkward to promote it for preventive reasons. Ultimately, it is often patient demand that determines physician responses.For example, the diagnosis of somatoform disorder is probably correct for even a greater portion of patients receiving acupuncture than receiving care in a primary care setting. Given the cost and harm that often comes from caring for somatoform disorders in the standard primary care setting, acupuncture therapy is a reasonable alternative. And not to mention that the acupuncture course of treatment, which involves acupuncture needle supplies and moxa sticks, is highly effective when it comes to those medical conditions that are left untreated by other forms of medicine.