Ariah Rastegar - Top Reasons that You Should Be Meditating

Author: Ariah Rastegar

Ariah Rastegar is best known as a wealthy, young executive and the CEO of Rastegar Capital, LLC, but he is also a self-proclaimed health fanatic who incorporates meditation as part of his regular routine.

Often, successful businesspersons are drawn to meditation because of the rigors of building their empires and surviving in their chosen industries. Other times, though, leaders like Ariah Rastegar begin meditating for more than just stress relief. "It’s one of those things that you find in life – you’re blessed to find it."

Those who meditate reap a number of health benefits from their regular quiet moments. Beginning the practice for yourself can take as little as five to ten minutes per day. From those short sessions, you might…

Gain Inner Peace – Working toward inner peace can be likened to keeping a clean house. If your house is poorly maintained, the air will become stale and toxic, the clutter will hinder your productivity and you will likely be less happy. The same is true for your mind: if it is poorly maintained, it will hold you back when it could be taking you further. Imagine a peaceful mind like a clean, organized house that makes you feel productive and motivated.

Improve Self-Awareness – Most are not aware of the tens of thousands of thoughts that race through their minds on a daily basis, or even what they often think about. With the quiet time of meditation, you will observe your thoughts and become more aware of what happens in your mind. This can lead you to revelations about yourself, and it can keep you conscious about your thoughts, actions and words.

Become Calmer – When you meditate, you learn to observe your mind and your reality. As you experience this more often, you will learn a type of detachment that can allow you to stay calm in situations that would otherwise cause stress or anger. This new perspective is invaluable for everyone, not just busy professionals.

Find Inspiration – Most people use around one-percent of their brains, but what about the rest of your mind? Through meditation, you will tap into other areas of your brain, which can often reveal some of your most powerful and inspiring ideas. If your profession requires creativity, which most do in one way or another, your time spent meditating might lead you to new career breakthroughs.

Long-time meditators like Ariah Rastegar often see benefits like those above begin to appear in just a few short weeks – or even days – after they take up regular meditation practices. The time it might take for you could vary. If your initial approach to meditation isn’t working, consider trying methods like guided visualization via YouTube videos or CDs to enhance your practice.

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