Make your own makeup organizer using some creativity
Makeup containers are best option to keep your makeup kits organized. When you apply makeup, you will find the lipstick or eyeliner easily if it’s kept organized. Most of the individuals keep makeup kits stock piled and they spend more time to find any item than applying it actually. So it is always wise to spend some bucks on makeup container to keep things organized and it will also save your makeup items from spilling and getting wasted.
Makeup containers also maintain the quality of your makeup products. If you keep makeup brushes here and there its shape gets damaged and you need to buy another one and you do not want to spend dollars for getting the same thing again and again. Moreover it can also cause bacteria which cause skin infection. So for avoiding such problems spend some money and have one makeup container to keep your makeup products safe.
Now you will find variety of colors, styles and innovative designs of makeup containers available in market, just chose the right one suits your budget and reference. Acrylic makeup boxes are very stylish choice as its transparent and you can easily find the product you are looking for, but it is bit costly. You can make your own makeup container at home. With a little creativity and some of the recycled materials you can make it in no time at all! Here are DIY tips for making it:
Cute jar organizer
Take a mason jar for keeping your makeup brushes. Roll craft paper to fit inside and make a mark at the top of the jar where the paper meets. Then if there is excess paper cut it off. Then tie a gift ribbon around the neck of the jar to make it look attractive. Then put some beads in it. Now it’s ready to keep mascaras, brushes, lip liners and comb sets.
Box organizer
Get a mid-size box, preferably show box. The size of your organizer may differ and depends on the number of cosmetics you want to keep. If you have lots of makeup products and skincare products and you wish to store them together, find a bigger box. Now it’s time to add compartments. You don't need to spend money for the decorative boxes. Collect cardboard packing box or you can even make compartments from the tin can of can food.