How doctor Selects Suitable Treatment (PRP, FUE, and FUT) for Hair Problem
Hair loss is a complex health condition both in men and women and can occur at any age. Doctor from hair clinic in Ahmedabad says that the impact can never be measured but can lead to life altering changes and therefore it needs medical attention as and when symptoms appear. The problem is so big that It can change an individual’s behavior affecting the personality of the person.
People looking for best Hair Transplant Clinic for the treatment of hair problem like hair loss, hair graying, thinning etc always got confused on which doctor and clinic they should go for. But have you ever thought that it is also a challenge for doctors that how they choose a technique for patients for their hair problem.
Doctors from Avenues one of the best hair transplant clinic in Ahmedabad says that the job of selecting a suitable treatment like PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant), FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHT (Direct Hair Transplant) techniques is not the easy job as success of the treatment or surgery will completely depend on what method we are going to opt.
There are number of therapy and treatments present like Hair Loss Therapy, Hair Graying Therapy, Hair Weaving & Bonding, Hair Transplant, and choosing one is depend on the patient. Every patient is unique and his/her hair problem needs different medication.
Before deciding the technique the doctors diagnose the patient’s condition carefully focusing on finding out the root cause of the hair loss, as it might happen that the problem can be solved without undergoing a surgery only by medicines and proper care.
After finding the cause of the hair problem like genetic, hormonal, female baldness, male baldness, any type of alopecia, trichotillomania etc, doctors consider skin type and condition and the hair loss area it can be over scalp, moustaches, eyebrows or beard area. If surgical treatment is necessary then quality and density of donor hair will be measured. Other medical condition would also be examined as it will also affect the treatment.
Evaluation of each and every aspect of patient’s hair loss condition, the doctors will prepare the plan for treatment that which treatment will be suitable for the patient, when to schedule it, number of sittings etc.
Only a professional and expert surgeon will able to identify the proper treatment for your hair loss problem so it is suggested that you should search expert like hair transplant clinic in Ahmedabad, We have the best Dermatologists who are highly qualified and, experienced in hair restoration and transplantations. we suggest effective treatment for all hair related problems. We use advanced technology to treat all kinds of major or minor hair or skin disorders. Products to treat hair loss are also available at all our clinics.
We expertise in all types of Hair Transplantation and awarded as best hair transplant clinic in Ahmedabad. We are trained in FUE, FUT, Long, DHT, Body Hair Transplantation.
For more information take consultation with our experts free of charge.
Doctor's of Avenues clinic have higher expertise in best hair transplant in Ahmedabad that help patient in providing a suitable and best treatment like PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant), FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHT (Direct Hair Transplant) techniques for hair fall, baldness,Hair thinning,Grey hair etc with free consultation.