4 Tips on Moving With Minimum Stress & Hassle

Author: Kate Windleton

If you live in London or another big city, then you have probably change your address. The reasons behind this can be a lot – found a better job, found the same job but in another neighbourhood, need a bigger house or flat, etc. If you have relocated, then you know the horror of moving. All the packing, organising, searching for a new place to live, checking your tenancy contracts, arranging documents for changing your address. And do we even need to mention all the things that can (and probably do) get wrong in the actual moving day. However, there are many things you can do to make your upcoming move a lot easier than the previous one.

Plan the whole moving process. You should be in control of the move. You NEED to be in control of the relocation! The easiest way to do that is by planning your move from A to Z. Spend some time to think of all aspects on the relocation and write them down. It's recommended to do it on a big piece of paper, because you will most certainly add more tasks to the list. Remember – having a thorough plan for your move will save you a lot of trouble and will help you on the other end where you have to unpack and arrange all your stuff.

Handle all documentation as soon as possible. There are a lot of guides on the governmental websites on how to change your address with ease. The best thing you can do is follow a detailed checklist that has all the important components – utilities, vehicle-related, etc. Keep in mind that it's better to do it all together. This way, it will be behind your back sooner and you won't have to think about redirecting mail or changing your voting address.

Hire a reliable removals company. Many prefer to ask a couple of friends to help them move. However, in many cases this comes more expensive. Think about it, the chance of broken items or damaged furniture is significant, you will have to make up to your buddies (probably by buying drinks), the process will take much longer – all those combined can lead to additional stress, problems, and hassle for you and your family. So, it is much better to use the services of a reliable man with a van or a team of movers and packers. If they are professional, their insurance will cover any damage that might occur to your belongings.

Look on the bright side. Even though change is always hard, it's the only way to improve. Every great person had to get out of their comfort zone and embrace change many times in their life. Another good aspect of the moving is that it is one of the few good moments to de-clutter. So, make sure to recycle, donate, or just throw away all stuff that you won't need at your new home. This will also ease you when you are packing your stuff for moving.

In order to make your move stress-free, don't start it with bad expectations. Think positive and good things will happen. After all, if you are moving, than it's probably to a better house where you will once again have great moments with your loved ones!