DNA Tests: A New Area for Clinical Path Labs in Delhi

Author: Oncquest Net

The rise of Delhi NCR as a centre for healthcare has meant an increased need for laboratories that can help hospitals and doctors diagnose illnesses and treat patients. These clinical pathology labs deal with diagnosis of the essential nature of a disease, especially the changes in body tissue or organs that cause or are caused by the illness. The pathologists examine structural and functional manifestations of an ailment and undertake a range of tests to help in the diagnosis and treatment. Developments in technology have seen the emergence of newer tests and diagnostic methods that not only detect a disease but also ascertain the chances of it occurring in the future. One of the most popular of these diagnostic methods is DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) testing. Some of the better test clinics have now set up a DNA test lab in Delhi to cater to the growing demand.

DNA testing has found a firm footing in clinical and forensic research after its efficacy and potential was proven in the scientific and medical community. DNA testing is also being increasingly used to determine paternity as well as risk of patients to develop severe ailments in the future. The test provides conclusive information about the genes present in the sample and the identity of the individual and is, thus, used in law enforcement investigations as well.

Some key areas where results from a DNA test lab in Delhi are used include:


A not so well-known aspect of DNA testing is finding the possibility of any severe diseases occurring in the future. This form of DNA testing helps identify the risks of a person developing a certain condition when he or she ages. Another aspect of DNA testing is identifying whether certain medicines will react adversely with the body. These tests may also be done on newborns to identify if they are likely to suffer from any problems. Some types of DNA testing used for healthcare are:

  • Carrier Testing: Helps check if a patient has a genetic condition that makes him or her carry a disease
  • Diagnostic Testing: Enables the identification of any disorders in the present or the chances of it occurring in the future
  • Pharmacogenetic Testing: Allows doctors to understand how certain medicines will react with the body

Paternity Testing

The results provided by DNA testing labs in Delhi have become crucial in determining paternity and have had a positive impact beyond their immediate conclusions. From finding lost family members to determining the child’s right to receive support, these labs are breaking new grounds in helping people.

Law Enforcement

DNA tests have significantly improved the police investigation. They provide embattled law officers with the legal firepower to nail culprits and free innocents. Lawyers can also use DNA tests to show the truth of their arguments and negate the opponent’s claims.

A DNA test lab in Delhi provides the best solution to all your inquiries whether it is related to paternity, scientific query or any medical reason. With the city being one of the most technologically advanced centres in India, it has some of the leading DNA labs in the country providing top quality services at affordable and competitive rates.

A clinical pathology laboratory Delhi offers reliable DNA testing services. It provides a broad range of DNA solutions for the healthcare and legal market. It also offers various other general and specific tests covering areas such as general pathology, molecular pathology and surgical pathology, among others.