Practical Tips for Passing Your Ham Radio License Exam
Identifying a ham radio is liable to prove difficult for anyone under the age of 25. While it’s possible that they’ve seen ham radio units in old movies or TV shows, chances are they’ve never actually been in the presence of one. Given how niche this hobby has become following the advent of the Internet, the younger generation’s lack of familiarity with it shouldn’t come as much of a shock. Decades before the Worldwide Web took hold, ham operators across the globe used their radios to connect with one another and broadcast their thoughts and opinions. In essence, ham radio was the precursor to online chat rooms and message boards.
There’s no denying that ham radio’s star has been eclipsed by the Internet, but the hobby is far from dead. Even today, there are millions of ham operators scattered all over the world. Furthermore, ham radio has experienced a small retro resurgence in recent years, which has provided the hobby with some much-needed exposure to young people. Still, ham radio isn’t something you can dive right into. Anyone who wishes to legally operate a ham unit will need to acquire a U.S. amateur radio license. These licenses come in three different varieties: technical class, general class and amateur extra class. No matter what type of license you’re aiming for, utilizing the following study tips is sure to bear favorable results.
Use the Right Reference Books
When studying for your exam, reputable reference books are an absolute necessity. In the ham radio community, it’s widely agreed that the ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications is the best study aid an aspiring ham operator can have at her side. Authored by the American Radio Relay League, this informative text contains a bevy of practical information about the inner workings of ham radios and how to operate them. Additionally, make sure to pick up a copy of the ARRL Operating Manual, which will provide you with detailed rundowns of various pieces of ham radio equipment. For best results, make sure to pick up the most recent editions of both manuals.
Watch a Master at Work
If you’re a hands-on learner, it behooves you to watch an experienced ham operator in action prior to taking your exam. If you know a licensed ham radio enthusiast, watch her operate her unit and connect with other hammers. Ideally, this person will have a high-end setup, complete with directional couplers from Werlatone. While observing this person, remember to take detailed notes and ask questions about any points on which you’re unclear.
Don’t Let the Math Questions Stress You Out
The exams for each type of license contain math questions. However, even if math isn’t your strong suit, you should still be able to pass your exam with relative ease. For starters, there are a multitude of materials online that will tell you what type of math questions you can expect to find on the various exams. Additionally, depending on the license class you’re going for, your exam may only contain as little as two math questions. Since you can miss up to nine questions and still pass, there’s no need for mathematically-challenged examinees to get upset.
Taking a ham radio exam without properly preparing isn’t likely to work out in your favor. Fortunately, provided you put the aforementioned study tips to good use, you should have no trouble earning your U.S. amateur radio license. If you’re determined to walk away a licensed ham radio operator, remember to procure the right study aids, watch an experienced operator in action and not get hung up on the math portion of your exam.
About the Author: Lynn Woodley is a college robotics professor and longtime ham radio enthusiast. Whenever one of her units needs a new directional coupler, she pays a visit to Werlatone’s online store.