Google's 2014 Algorithm Updates: Changing SEO In 2014
The year 2013 witnessed a series of updates from Google. Quite a few of them were related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) thus laying down new set of rules for an art and science that invariably remains unknown to many. For those in the business of SEO, now the game will change and they will have to pull up new tactics and techniques to be able to earn the websites a better rating and ranking as per Google’s 2014 algorithm updates. Here’s is a list of ways on how can be SEO professionals better prepared to meet the challenges ahead in the upcoming year.
There have been no radical changes so SEO professionals must be confident that whatever they learned in the year 2013 still holds relevance but will require some betterment. Content quality will deserve greater attention. You need to get smarter with link profiles of a website; carry out periodic audits to identify and remove unnaturally built inbound links.
Content marketing will have a bigger role to play. Google’s algorithm will be benefitting the websites that adopt good content strategy. Helpful content targeted to a particular set of audience, regular sharing and engagements to show the activity of the site, etc. will be governing parameters in such a scenario.
Social media networking will become more important and more visible. There are a number of pertinent questions that SEO Companies and professionals will have to take into account. Which social networking platform to choose, what should be the degree of involvement, does the social platform matters to the industry, the customer and popular search engines, etc. are serious questions which the Web Designing & Development Company will have to articulate.
SEO professionals must look forward to strengthening their presence on Google+ as well. Although, there are speculations on what direct impact will such strategy have but it is clear that tying with Google+ will contribute to "social signals" component of Google's algorithm.
Guest Blogging will be very effective in building quality inbound links, attracting traffic, and branding exposure in 2014. It will be required on the part of the SEO professionals and companies providing Web Services to be very selective in choosing target sites.
As the year 2014 sets in, SEO industry will change significantly. The Web Designing & Development Companies that adapt and evolve will ride the tide while others will struggle. Google Algorithm updates clearly indicate in one direction that SEO will have to be valued more as a strategy rather than a smart tactic.