Key Features & Applications Automatic Viscometer - RheoSense
In the time we are living human being is trying to get the latest’s technology in every field of life. Almost every manual thing become automated which are easy to use and increase its efficiency of work. Like other thing, to measure the viscosity RheoSense also work on the viscometers and launch Automatic Viscometer which are easy to use as compare to manual Viscometers and performance of Automatic Viscometer is better than manual Viscometers. Automatic Viscometer Increased overall lab productivity and efficiency in lower operating cost. Automatic Viscometer increases the data consistency and reduces variability. The most demanding Automatic Viscometer of RheoSense is VROC INITIUM.
Key Features Automatic ViscometerThe Automatic Viscometer is also for Small volume samples, which measure the viscosity from range 0.2 up to 100,000 cP
- It characterizes between Newtonian & non-Newtonian
- It measures shear rate from range 1 up to 1,600,000 1/s
- It is capable of measuring Temperature Sweeps
- RheoSense Automatic Viscometer has 40 Vial Rack & Standard 96 Well Plates
- RheoSense Automatic Viscometer has the ability for independent temperature control for the sample storage.
- Viscosity-Injectability
- Stability of Protein Therapeutics
- Enzymatic Reaction Kinetics
- Molecular Weight and Size
- Solubility
RheoSense Small regular Viscometers M-VROC is most demanded Automatic Viscometer that are small in size and used all across the world by Fortune Global 500 companies and top universities.These Viscometers are capable of maximum demanding applications which include small sample protein therapeutics with M-VORC features with the vast dynamic range with as little as 20 microliters sample. These Automatic Viscometer has accuracy rate up to 2 % of reading, have repeatability range up to 0.5 %. These Automatic Viscometer measure the viscosity from 0.2 up to 100,000 cP with the shear rate range from 0.5 up to 1,400,000 s. These Automatic Viscometer can measure minimum sample volume 20 µL +.