Wash your Duvets with Ease by Using these Simple Steps

Author: Lily Alvin

Duvets are used commonly nowadays because they are very comfortable and keep you warm and cozy. Duvets come in several different shapes, sizes, qualities and prices. You can easily find 15 tog duvets in UK, which suits the interior of the bedroom and makes your life very comfortable. In order to maintain the structure and quality of the duvets you have to follow certain steps, which allows you to take care of the duvets.

The duvets are something that is used every day and it is important to keep it clean. In order to keep the duvets clean you have to wash it from time to time. Washing the duvets is not a luxury but a necessity.

Here are some steps that should be followed while washing the duvet without damaging it.

  • The first step that you should take is that the duvet should be taken out of the cover if you have a cover. The cover and the duvet should be washed separately.
  • The next thing you have to do is to study the label. The label is very important because it usually carries the information on how the duvet should be washed. The tub tells you whether the article can be washed or not. The number present on the tub is for the temperature that is required for washing the duvet. If there are only hands made on the tub means that it should only be washed by hands.
  • The symbol of triangle tells you that the use of the bleach is allowed. If you use the modern oxygen bleaches then it can be very effective in cleaning the duvet.
  • If there is a symbol with a circle inside the square represents the dryer. If there is one dot present then it means that the duvet should be dried at a low temperature and the presence of two dots means they should be dried at the regular temperature.
  • If there is an iron symbol present on the label then it means that duvet can be ironed if required. The dots present tell you which temperature the iron should be. The dots corresponds with the dots present on the iron.
  • It is very important to know the material of the duvet because not all of the materials can be washed in the same way. The duvets made up of cotton are easily washable while using a regular detergent. If the material of the duvet can be harmed with the regular detergent then you should definitely go for detergents which are specifically for delicate fabrics.
  • While putting the duvet in to the washing machine you have to fold in half lengthwise and then put it in the washing machine. By folding the duvet like this the weight of the duvet is evenly divided and the machine can easily wash the duvet.
  • When the duvet is washed you should follow the instructions that are given on the tag if you want to dry the duvet in the best possible way. Most of the duvets can be dried in the machine. If you hang the duvet in the sun it will take much longer to dry.

These are very useful steps for washing your duvet.