The Runescape players wondering how old the old characters like Kenshi

Author: Wen Yue

The proportion of female gamers is on the rise, and online gaming is now not just the preserve of urban residents. New games are being launched at a fast pace, while the loyalty of gamers to particular titles is a rare commodity.Finally, Chinese government policy is discussed, with the authors noting: The government is concerned over the content of the games enjoyed by large numbers of China's youth, which may contain violence, gambling and pornography, and policy making decisions will likely focus around these issues. RS 07 Gold They conclude: It is also possible that China will put a cap on the number of overseas games released in the country where around 70 percent of new online games are from overseas.

The positive news for Hong Kong online game developers is that the government will likely relax restrictions on Hong Kong-developed games entering the mainland as economic ties between the two regions strengthen.Lori Cerchio and four of her peers at Bloomfield College spent one academic year creating Rage of Elements, a 2D side-scrolling action game.Buy RS Gold Even though the game was scoped modestly for a year-long project, the team still ended up cutting a good deal of planned content. In a postmortem posted on sister site GameCareerGuide, Cerchio explains what went right and what went wrong while developing the game.

  • In order to finish the game on time, we had to make many production-time changes,writes Cerchio,which is the euphemistic ways of saying we had to cut stuff. What went right is that we kept our main objectives clear when making cuts,
RS 3 Gold a primary one being to keep the quality bar high. For example, we had originally planned three more bosses and two more locations that were cut from the game, but it was more important to us to make three levels that were totally polished than five that would be sub-par.