A Vein Clinic in New Orleans Explains Where You’re Headed If You Have Swollen Legs and Ankles

Author: Oliver Striky

One of the things you notice as a doctor is that patients are notoriously bad at assessing the severity of their symptoms, and what will happen to them if they ignore them. For example, one of the most common symptoms reported by patients at our vein clinic in Covington is swollen legs and ankles. When these patients first come to see us, some have "Googled" this condition, and they want to be reassured that the swelling is not due to possible (but very rare) conditions such as heart or kidney failure, or hypertensive heart disease.

Naturally, we perform a number of diagnostic tests and ask our patients not only about their own symptoms but (because many of the diseases we treat are hereditary) their family medical history, and most of the time we determine that the swelling they're experiencing is a side effect of vein disease. At this point we recommend what we believe is the best possible treatment based on their case, which can range from conservative treatment to more permanent treatments such as sclerotherapy or endovenous laser therapy (EVLT).

But then a strange thing happens – some patients ignore our advice and don't ever follow up by seeking treatment for their swollen legs and ankles. This article is for them, to let them know what's in store for them.

First, here's what's causing the swelling

In most cases the cause is a condition called chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI. CVI occurs when the tiny valves that control blood flow through your veins become damaged and "leaky" and allow blood to flow "backwards" back into your veins. CVI is the most common cause of varicose veins, but it is also a common cause of swelling in the legs and ankles because it causes pressure to build up in the veins themselves and allows fluids to collect in your lower extremities.

What will happen to you if you don't seek treatment?

Sadly, if your veins have been sufficiently damaged by CVI to cause swelling, the condition is NOT going to just go away or "get better on its own." It's going to get worse. So here is what you can expect over the next few years.

First, if you already have varicose veins, they're going to get worse; if you don't have them already, you probably will. In addition, poor circulation caused by CVI will cause changes in the color and texture of your legs. Your skin will start to turn brown in color and will become more brittle and fragile, and thus more susceptible to injury. Minor scrapes will turn into open, bleeding sores that will not respond to topical treatment and will refuse to heal. And that's just what's happening on the surface. Inside your body, CVI will impair your immune system and increase your likelihood of developing more serious conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. This is where you're headed if you don't seek treatment for your swollen legs and ankles.

But all of this is unnecessary, because vein disease can be easily treated

The damage caused by CVI can't be "repaired" because once the venous valves have been damaged, they can't be fixed. But the diseased veins can easily be removed by using minimally-invasive vein treatment techniques so painless that they require no anesthesia and can be completed in about an hour in the comfort of our offices. Once the veins that have been damaged by CVI have been closed by these procedures, the swelling and other symptoms will go away as well.

To find out more about how modern vein care treatment at a vein clinic in New Orleans can eliminate the swelling in your legs and ankles and return you to a state of normal health, give Dr. Randall S. Juleff and his associates a call at 985-892-2950 and let the experts at La Bella Vita Laser and Vein Center help to improve your health.

About the Author:

The writer is an expert in the field of Vein Specialist Clinic in Covington with focus on Vein Clinic In New Orleans and Spider Vein Expert In Covington.