Ascertaining right translation prices
If you are a brand that has opened up to the strong forces and opportunities set forth by globalisation then you must have started zeroing in on a good marketing strategy in accordance with these new-found goals. Within this marketing and communication mantle, you would, sooner or later, find translation emerging as a significant factor either contributing to or challenging the milestones towards new goalposts.
You may either go for a well-entrenched player closer home or you may consider someone native and also enabled with a good grip on the local market as per your new market targets. There is also a possibility of bringing in the best of both the worlds by choosing someone who comes with as much international expertise as with a localization edge.
If you look around prudently and patiently, you will find certain translation service providers who offer numerous advantages. Not only do they carry a lineage and experience clout of several years or brands under their belts, but they also offer resources and expertise that a specific local market would ideally desire.
When negotiating and finalising contracts with a translation service provider, you may find some differences in translation rates and the way they operate. For an independent translator, the prices offered could, in all probability, turn vastly lower than what a full-fledged, high-scale firm might put on the table.
You would have to dissect your priorities, affordable financial levels, and your overall strategy before deciding what you want to pick. It is highly recommended here that you avoid the mistake of making such mission-critical decisions based on the narrow lens of pricing alone.
Pricing often fails to incorporate the big picture. A multi-service firm may charge higher rates but that kind of requirement often comes with an extra buffer that cushions and complements a translation job. There is a multitude of services involved (project management or multilingual media monitoring), to name a few; that explain the extra difference.
Translation prices quoted by individuals may not even reflect the equally important but side-sliced work of Proofreading, Audits, Quality Control, DTP Checks, and Iterations. It is advisable to check for such components well in advance while handing over crucial contracts. Apart from this, service providers differ in their ability to serve languages across the world. As a global brand you may want to work with a service provider who offers maximum language translations, so whenever you launch in a new geography, you don’t have to look for a new provider. The prices also differ between languages even with a single service provider. The rarer a language is used, the higher is the rate for the same. Apart from this, prices go up depending on what kind of output is required, based on the value addition to the basic task of translation. The text costs less, design output is more. The design costs lesser than a multimedia voiceover project and so on.
The translation rates would also swing massively when one considers high-quality, high-outcome, intensive services like transcreation, software internationalization, and localization in the overall framework.
Do not settle for rates based on the basic work alone for what matters at the end of the day is the overall quality, consistency, edge and impact of the work. What would be more decisive is the alignment of the outcome with the organisation’s strategy instead of a run-of-the-mill work produced on conveyor belts. A service that entails and caters to all possible factors converging beautifully in defining the impact of a translated communication is what you should be eyeing for. Look at the price factor, but look at it from a broad and top-rung perspective.