Indian dreams of Digital India is now possible

Author: Somnath Sengupta

A popular and successful campaign launched by the government of India, Digital India, is established to ascertain that the government services in India are made available to the Indian citizens electronically by ameliorating online substructure and by bettering Internet connectivity in all parts of India.

These initiatives, in amalgam with several others, like Aadhaar India and Jan Dhan Yojna, are turning out to be in favor of the NDA government. With each passing day, more and more initiatives are being taken up by Narendra Modi, moving a step forward in the direction of Make in India and Digital India initiative.

Digital India aims at making India ‘digitally empowered in the field of technology.’ Launched by the current prime minister on 2nd July, 2015, the first step in this program includes plans to connect countrified areas with high-speed Internet networks. The 3 core components of this initiative are: instauration of digital infrastructure, deporting services digitally and digital literacy. Digital technologies include cloud computing and mobile applications, which have risen as accelerators for speedy economic growth and citizen empowerment across the world. Digital technologies are utilized in our everyday lives to share information on issuances and fears encountered by us. The objective of this Digital India initiative is to emerge with creative ideas and practically feasible solutions to transform India and create opportunities for all Indians to access digital services, knowledge and information.

Long dependent on foreign military hardware for its combat capabilities, the 1.18 million strong Indian army is indigenizing in tune with Narendra Modi’s "Make in India" initiative. The modernization process of the Indian Armed Forces has been clearly put forward in the LTIPP (Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan), covering the period till 2027. Two more plans, the five-year Service-wise capability Acquisition plan and two year roll-on Annual Acquisition Plan, are also included in the planning process. The army is in urgent need of inducing technologies related to modern warfare which has a high speed and is fast tracked. Lagging far behind the much smaller navy and IAF in the drive for modernization, has put 26 procurement schemes for fast tracking. Modernization of the defense forces is a continuing process based on threat perception, operational challenges, and technological changes to keep it in a state of readiness to meet the entire spectrum of security challenges.

The time is not far enough, when all these initiatives would turn into a reality.