Get Postural treatment from a Sydney Chiropractor

Author: John Kalvin

When you experience pain in your body it can make even the simplest tasks a challenge. Each day tasks that we usually take for granted such as sitting, standing or even walking around can become very uncomfortable.

The pain you feel forces you to hold your body in awkward positions to move you away from the pain. This causes postural abnormalities to develop over time the longer you hold your body in those position. The injuries that cause you to hold your body in these poor positions can range from a sore/stiff neck, degenerative changes in the spine as well as slipped/bulgings discs.

A Sydney Chiropractorspecializes in assessing the condition which is causing structural changes in your spine, making an accurate diagnosis for your problem and helping to reverse and correct these changes.

One way chiropractors help to reduce the pain and symptoms you feel are through adjustments or manipulations. Adjustments are taught to chiropractors over a 5 year period at uni and have been recognized as a safe, effective form of treatment to improve posture and decrease pain. An adjustment is a gentle movement of a joint in a specific direction to help increase the movement in that joint if that area of the spine is stiff as well as decreasing pain in the area. A Sydney Chiropractor will perform a comprehensive examination to find out specifically which joints and areas aren’t moving correctly before performing any treatment to make sure it is safe to proceed.

While some chiropractors focus on just reducing pain and symptoms others are more focused on corrective care and helping to change the structure of the body, especially when it comes to poor posture. Some structural changes which a Sydney chiropractor will often see include things such as scoliosis which is an abnormal curvature of the spine as well as a short leg.

While the term short leg is often thought of as a scary thing it usually occurs as a biomechanical change which develops over time, usually due to poor sitting habits. Short legs are generally caused by a ‘pelvic hike on one side of the body. This causes more compression on one side of the pelvis and can lead to pain.

A chiropractor can assess this type of postural change and determine whether treatment will be effective on it. If not a chiropractor may refer you to a specialist who may focus on ‘short legs’ and implement objects such as orthotics or heel lifts to change the biomechanics of your pelvis.

If you’re in need of a Sydney Chiropractor who focuses on correction of the whole body there are many clinics to choose from. Finding one that suits you will always be an important decision in getting the best results possible.

Health practitioners are taught various methods to assess for poor posture from both a front and side on view. They will check that you are level at different landmarks in your body so that you can stand as straight as possible after treatment. They will also assess for things such as forward head carriage, rolled shoulders and a tilt in the pelvis so treatment can be focused on specific areas.

After a full assessment of your posture A Sydney Chiropractor will go through treatments which includes specific exercises and rehabilitation to not only change your posture but help to keep it there!