Looking for a Reason to Clean Your Ducts? We Give You 12 Reasons
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems may act as a collection pit for a variety of unhealthy particles and contaminants with potential to impact our health. These include mold, bacteria, dust, and fungi. Their removal from the HVAC system, especially ducts must become a priority to improve your home or commercial establishment’s indoor air quality.
Research by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has shown that duct cleaning allows systems to run more efficiently by removing dirt and debris from the sensitive mechanical components, making them last longer and work more efficiently. This also helps reduce your electricity bills in the long run. Effective heating or cooling, longer life span and lower expenditure – what more can one ask for from a procedure as fundamental and necessary as duct cleaning.
Here are 12 perfectly good reasons for any homeowner to opt for regular air duct cleaning.
- 1.According to the American Lung Association, most of the people nowadays spend 60-90 per cent of their time indoors. And indoor air may be dirtier than outdoor air.
- 2.As per the American College of Allergists, almost 50 per cent of all illnesses are caused and aggravated by contaminated indoor air.
- 3.An average six-room house collects about 40 pounds of dirt or dust every year.
- 4.More than the adults, children are likely to be affected by unhealthy indoor air. They are closer to the ground where the concentration of contaminants is higher, inhale faster and breathe in more indoor air per unit of their body weight.
- 5.According to Wolters-Kluwer Health, among the top 5 reasons for emergency visits in the year 2008 was Cold or Flu and attacks of Asthma among kids under the age of 10.
- 6.One of every 6 people suffering from allergies is affected by the direct relationship to the bacteria and fungi in the air duct systems.
- 7.About 90 per cent of heating & cooling system failures happen due to dust and dirt in the air ducts.
- 8.Asthmatics, the elderly and people having respiratory problems, like lung diseases and allergies are most sensitive to pollutants.
- 9.One millimeter of dust on a heating or cooling coil will decrease its effectiveness by up to 21 per cent.
- 10.Most fiberglass furnace filters are merely 7 per cent effective in preventing dust, dirt, pollen, etc.
- 11.Air pollution heavily contributes to lung diseases, which claim around 361,000 lives each year and is the third-largest cause of death in the US, as stated by the American Lung Association.
- 12.The US EPA ranks poor indoor air quality in the top five environmental risks to the health of the people.