Seven Roles and Services Offered By the Best Rental Property Managers

Author: Smiley Associates

Most, if not all Americans live or have lived in rented houses at some point or throughout their lives. The monthly rate is considerably low compared to owning a house through a mortgage. Finding the best houses and also the best market prices is difficult and therefore most people expect the best help from rental property managers. These services and features from the property managers include:

Thorough applicant screening

Landlords want applicant rental history and credit screening. A good manager will call previous landlords and call current employers.

Undergraduates or young adults below the legal age should be undersigned by a parent or guardian for accountability.

Market analysis and comparison

Residential Rental Management involves understanding all that happens in the market. It’s a property manager’s job to evaluate the market and compare prices so that they can get good monthly rental income. Experience in the market, research and a good network is expected from a residential rental property manager for the best rental rates.


Property owners delegate the role of advertising to property managers. Property managers are professionals in real estate and property management. Showing and advertising property to renters is also a role of the Residential Rental Property Manager.

Monthly reports

Preparation of detailed monthly reports is mandated by the real estate commission and thus this reporting should be done within the expected time and the disbursements of money to the owners as agreed.

Collection of rent

Besides finding qualified tenants for residential rental units, it is the role of the residential property manager to collect rent and security deposits. They are also responsible for disbursements of security deposit money out to tenants after their lease ends..

Handling complaints

A rental manager should be versed with skills on resolution of complaints and disputes. There will be many of these and a residential rental manager should deal with all arising issues professionally.

Lease documents

For leased property, there should be comprehensive lease and addenda as stipulated in state, federal and local laws. These help with dispute resolution and better, lawful management.

About The Author

The author representing this article on the behalf of Best Residential Rental Management service provided by "Smiley & Associates". If you are looking for Residential Rental Property Manager, Residential Rental Management then you should contact here.