Some Important Facts About Preschool Education You May Not Know About
Are you apprehensive regarding placing your little child at a Connecticut day care? Do not be, because daycare or preschools have emerged as important aspects related to early childhood education. Much research goes into the curriculum for children at these places and they are geared up for both mental and physical development of young ones early on. So, here below are some important facts related to preschool education, parents with small children will love to know.
Register early
If you believe that there is no competition in getting your child admitted to a preschool, think again! Informed new-age parents waste no time getting their kids on the road to organized education. In such a scenario, there is a high demand for admission to daycare schools. Therefore, to ensure a place at the best schools nearby, try to register early on. Why deprive your young one from the best start unnecessarily?
Registration generally occurs in the pre-summer months. Early registration also signifies that the little one will have enough time to get accommodated with the new teacher and the school environment to fit in just right!
It is not babysitting!
If you believe that the new-age Connecticut daycare is only a glorified babysitting center, you just do not know the truth. These places take care of your child no doubt but also emphasize early childhood education. There is fun and games interspersed with some serious learning sessions based on the capabilities of your child. As a kid grows older, education gradually takes the upper hand.
More than just academics
It is wrong to believe that CT daycare education is just about following a definite curriculum. Academics no doubt form a big part but never make the world go around in such places. After all, your child is not going to sit for SATs anytime soon! The tiny tots after some months of preschool education turn into social animals with a world of their own beyond the limiting circle of home and parents. Now they can take direction and prepare themselves for kindergarten education.
Comparisons have no place
When it comes to preschool education, it is not possible to judge kids based on their capabilities. Here every child is special and his or her own right. They grow as individuals here with varying level of academic social developments.
Do you want to know more daycare education? Visit to find out!
About The Author
Marsha Adams is an expert in child development and education and is the owner of one of the most celebrated Connecticut daycare centers as well. Her facility – - is the best place to enroll your children at to provide them with the right kind of education.