Mood swings as well as improve delivery and labor

Author: Dr Scott Pendergraft

Summary: For a healthy pregnancy you need to make changes to your diet and habits. Here are the recommendations to make the necessary changes for healthy pregnancy.

Health of a mother is important to well being of her child. During pregnancy it is really important that women take care of their health proactively during pregnancy. Reports suggest women who are regular with their health checkups and exercises have minimal chances of developing complications. Health of your baby is very much dependent on your well. Here are some suggestions on maintaining a healthy body.


Nutrition is very important for the well being of your child. Fetal brain development and birth weight are affected by the diet of the mother. Also risks of birth defects are drastically reduced if the new born is of healthy weight.

When you are on a nutritious balanced diet risks of anemia and other unpleasant symptoms like morning sickness and fatigue are reduced. Also good diet is known to benefit mood swings as well as improve delivery and labor.

Make sure to include the following nutrients in your diet:

  • Folic acid
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Iron
  • Necessary fats

Gaining weight during pregnancy is a good idea. You should consult your doctor about how much weight should be gained. Monitor your body weight and diet throughout your pregnancy. How much weight you should gain for a healthy pregnancy will depend on your current weight and differs for everyone.

Nutrition is important but take care what you pick up on your plate. All the diary products and juices used in diet should be pasteurized to avoid and parasitic infections. Avoid uncooked or smoked seafood. If there’s a history of food allergy in your family consult your doctor on what foods must be avoided.


After nutrition an active lifestyle is also important. For pregnant women moderate exercising is known to benefit both mother and baby. Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes to improve circulation, decrease strength and strengthen muscles. But it is strictly advised to consult your doctor before starting with any exercise regime it is of utmost importance. Selection of exercises will depend on how active you were before pregnancy. There are numerous benefits of exercising for pregnancy. It helps in boosting energy levels, relieves constipation, improves sleep and strengthens muscles.

For healthy heart and lungs walking and jogging are best aerobic exercises. Never ever try kegel or squatting exercises during pregnancy.

Cut bad habits

Habits take time to change and during pregnancy bad habits can be dangerous for both mom and baby. Habits like alcohol consumption and drug use should be cut out. If drinking is continued throughout pregnancy then it can result into FAS or fetal alcohol syndrome. This syndrome is known to cause central nervous system abnormalities in babies.

Smoking during pregnancy is also hazardous for the baby. Smoking disturbs the blood flow to the baby hence affecting the growth. Smoking is known to cause the underweight pregnancies predominantly in United States.

For a healthy pregnancy you need to take care of your diet, life style and keep a check on your habits as well.

Tampa Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortions, physical examinations, family planning and counseling. Abortion Clinic.