Eat And Fight Stress

Author: Raymond Arvidson

Stress is an inevitable factor of today's life. Multiple types of stress and tensions make our life miserable. Some people think that high-calorie foods reduce stress. In reality, they leave us more depressed and sluggish. A few foods help in bringing the state of bliss quickly.

  1. Citrus fruits: When we talk about stress relieving foods, citrus fruits top the list. They contain Vitamin C that triggers the stress relieving hormones in the body. Since these fruits increase the immunity level, they elevate joyous moods. Oranges increase the sugar level resulting in happy feelings. When we feel stressed, the body releases free radicals in large quantities. Oranges contain antioxidants that kill the free radicals and make us happy and refresh. Combine them with salads and fruit juices and see the fantastic result!
  2. Leafy vegetables: Though some people feel frustrated with the thought of eating dark leafy vegetables, but actually they are great stress busters. These vegetables are rich in fiber. High level of magnesium and sodium changes the composition of blood resulting in happy a swings. Try out innovative recopies and have a bash.
  3. Nuts: Omega 3 fatty acids, high fiber, and full of energy; this is the secret of nuts being the most stress relieving food. They enhance the power of the immune system and make the mind alert. You can roast them or mix with salad or top up on the ice-cream; nuts are always unbeatable. It is good to eat all varieties of nuts for stress release. However, walnuts are especially effective because of their chemical composition. They control blood pressure, and stop the release of stress hormones in the body.
  4. Chocolate: The yummy brown stuff is an all time favorite. However, very few people know that it is a superb stress reliever. It contains special elements that make the mind alert. It is rich in antioxidants and thus, helpful in regaining health and vitality. A bar of chocolate can upswing the moods incredibly. Though it is a great stress reliever, but experts recommend consuming limited quantity of it. Moderate consumption causes soothing effect, but heavy consumption may bring adverse effect. Some people find dark chocolate effective in relieving tension.
  5. Avocado: It is a much talked about food that is good for the functioning of the brain. Avocado is rich in nutrients like Vitamin B and good fat. People love thick shakes or smoothies because they make the day just perfect. Avocado contains a special substance known as Glutathione. It prevents the absorption of fats and relieves mental fatigue. Presence of beta-carotene, folate and Vitamin E make Avocado an ideal mood stabilizer.
  6. Milk: People normally underestimate milk, but in reality it is one of the most effect stress relievers. Milk is rich in Calcium and Potassium. These two elements relieve stress levels drastically. It is rich in protein that reduces the muscular stress and cramps. Milk also lowers the blood pressure and we feel calm and relaxed.
These are the blockbuster food items that bring the mood swings back!