Problem In Kidney? Get Ayurvedic Medicine For Kidney
You give loads of importance to breathing and drinking water, similarly removing wastes from the body is imperative for a healthy and fruitful life. You make efforts to drink but you have no idea that the wastes are being removed from your body without you being aware of it. What will happen if these toxic wastes start to accumulate in the body? The body will start to develop poison and the activities of all the organs will start to halt. Who is responsible for the smooth removal of toxins in the body? It’s the bean shaped kidneys that work day in and out and remove the wastes, chemicals and other toxins collecting in the blood.
Toxin accumulation in the blood leads to disturbance in the working mechanism of all the body organs and these are removed from the body through the urine. Waste removal is the kidneys job. Sometimes the kidney mechanism is disturbed and a disease may take over the body disturbing the whole waste removal process. The wastes may start to build up inside the kidneys in the form of small stones. Kidney stones are basically urine toxins and crystallized wastes lying inside the kidneys. They can vary in size and are normally taken out of the kidney with the help of urine but what happens if the stone size restricts and hinders the flushing process it can be very painful. Urine blockages can lead to severe infections and other health issues.
Kidney stones may be because of a poor diet and lack of sufficient exercise. Drinking less water and eating too many fried or sugary foods may also be cause of kidney stones. Excess non-vegetarian meals and holding back urine, stools, hunger, or sneezing have also shown kidney trouble. The person having kidney stones starts to feel nauseous and experience pain at the sides. This pain travels downward towards the groin and the abdominal region. Chills are often felt and the person develops a fever. The place of kidney stones becomes extremely tender to touch, and while urinating, the person feels a burning sensation. Blood may accompany urine and the person starts to perspire excessively.
It’s a must to increase the water intake as this can help prevent kidney stones. Add a few figs and then boil the water to drink. Basil leaves, olive oil and lemon juice have also shown to bring about improvement in this condition. Pomegranate is one of the best remedies or ayurvedic medicine for kidney stone available in nature and definitely needs to be tried. You can also avail Baba Ramdev’s health package for kidney stones that has nutritive remedies like Ashmarihar ras, Punarnavadi mandoor,Gokshuradi guggul, Hajralyahulbhasam, Vrikkdoshhar vati, Vrikkdoshhar kwath and Chandraprabha vati.
These remedies are rich in nutritive value and help in management of kidney health. The kidney stones can be dissolved with the help of these medications and pain can be reduced dramatically. The herbal powder Vrikkdoshhar Kwath can be boiled with water and when the water reduces in quantity, we need to drink it to keep away kidney complications. The stones are broken down and removed through urine and the body is cured of burning situation.