Gemstones - Sapphire and Opal

Author: Mike Wilson

September - Sapphire

The September birthstone, Sapphire is chemically and structurally the same as Ruby - both are varieties of the mineral ‘corundum’.

Sapphires are well known among the general public as being blue, but can be nearly any color except shades of red or pink (since those are called rubies). The blue color is by far the most popular color for sapphire but pink and black have generated much interest in the gem trade.

Sapphires are extremely durable and scratch-resistant (only diamonds are harder). Sapphire is mined in many countries worldwide including Australia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Sapphire properties include psychic abilities, inspiration, love, meditation, peace, healing, power, prosperity and protection.

October - Opal

Precious opal is a gemstone that exhibits flashes of rainbow-like colors when viewed from different angles. The colors are created by an arrangement of silica spheres within the opal. Black opals are the most rare and expensive opals, with a body color that can range from dark grey to black with fiery flashes of color.

Opal hardness varies, but generally ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale [Compared to that of diamond, which rates at 10].

Opals are said to make the wearer more loving and affectionate in both personal and family life. People who wear Opal also tend to draw people to them, with their magnetism and charisma.

Opals were also considered as the symbol for fidelity, religious devotion as well as having the power to preserve the color of blond hair. Opals were also believed to cure diseases associated with the eye as well as treating depression.

Opals are believed to increase mental capacities and creative imagination.

November - Topaz

The word Topaz is derived from ‘Topazos’, a small island in the Red Sea, where the Romans obtained a stone which they called by this name.

Like diamonds, Topaz gemstones are graded by color, cut and clarity. Topaz is scored as an 8 on Moh’s hardness Scale.

The Colors of Topaz come in a wide range of natural colors and shades. Pure topaz is colorless, but it also occurs in a broad range of colors including yellow, blue, pink, peach, gold, green, red, and brown. Color is mainly caused by the gemstones’ selective absorption of certain wave-lengths of light.

Symbolism and significance of Topaz are said to be: Constancy, Loyalty, Faithfulness, Friendship, and Strength & Wisdom.

The healing properties of the birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to sanity, asthma, gout, blood disorders and insomnia.

Topaz is also said to release tension & balance emotions.

December - Turquoise

Turquoise is the modern December birthstone and the accepted gem for the fifth and eleventh wedding anniversaries. It has been mined by early Egyptians since at least 6000BC.

The name Turquoise comes from a French word which means ‘stone of Turkey’. The color is, of course, turquoise, but this color actually varies from very green blue to light sky blue shades.

The Hardness of the stone ranges between 5-6 on Moh’s scale.

Turquoise is said to promote mental and spiritual clarity and expansion and to enhance wisdom, trust, kindness and understanding.

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