Know Key Facts About 457 Work Visa

Author: Catherine Walsh

Australia has a limited skilled workforce which is creating obstacles in performing works in all sectors. To keep the economy in a good shape, more skilled workers are essential to work in these sectors. To resolve skills shortage, skilled migration is being taken by Australian businesses. Overseas skilled workers are hired to work in Australia temporarily, if appropriately skilled workers can’t be found in the local market.

The 457 visa is the most commonly used visa to work in Australia. This visa allows an overseas worker to work up to 4 years in Australia. To get this visa, it is essential to find an employer in Australia to sponsor this visa in a nominated post. Mostly, 457 visa is issued only in occupations that come under critical skill list. After getting this visa, applicants can bring their family and dependents to Australia.

If you’re planning to apply for 457 work visa, here are top things that you must know about 457 Visa program of Australia. You must fulfill all eligibilities to get 457 visa:

  • You must be sponsored by an employer to work in a nominated position

  • Your occupation should come under Australian Skilled Occupation List (SOL).

  • Need experience, skills, and qualification as stated for the nominated position
  • A good proficiency test scores of IELTS or PTE
  • You have been paid above $53900 in your previous job. This is the minimum amount required to live in Australia, also called Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) but it changes every year.
  • You must have a valid private health insurance for the duration of your stay in Australia to be eligible for this visa.
  • Need to meet character requirements
  • Essential to meet health requirement as mentioned in Information Form 1163i.
  • No restrictions or limitations placed on your current visa
  • Paid all non-refundable application fees

You must meet all requirements and hire the best 457 agent while filling this visa to avoid rejection.

457 Visa for Permanent Residency

457 visa holders working in Australia for two years in a nominated position with the same employer can apply for a permanent Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Visa. This is also called Temporary Residence Transition Stream of ENS visa.

Permanent residence can be even applied through Direct Entry Stream of ENS and many people become eligible for this, before working in Australia. To apply PR with Direct Entry Stream, applicants must pass skill assessments and need 3 years of work experience in the nominated occupation.

General Skilled Migration is an important way of achieving permanent residency in Australia. But, it is essential to hire experts to know how to increase points for PR through GSM for immigration in Australia.

Visa Consultant in Melbourne

Students need a valid visa based on the applied course to stay in Australia. Implementation of Simplified Students Visa Framework (SSVF) has ended complicated visa processes for students recently. Still, guidance and helps from experts is needed to avoid confusion. Concepts of applying visas seem simple and easy, but it’s not so. Some visas are really complicated and get rejected easily if criteria aren’t fulfilled. To experience a smooth and easy migration, hire the best visa consultant in Melbourne. Services are offered by expert visa consultants with experience and skills in this field. Contact our visa consultants to get help in visa and migration to Australia quickly.