Irish fairy doors are a doorway to your child's imagination
My gang of Toy Testers are all a little bit old for this week’s review so I had to travel far and wide to locate some new testers who were ready to enter the imaginary world of fairies with the sensational world of Irish Fairy Doors and accessories.
I ended up at our good friends’ house, 6 doors down from me, who have Lucy (4) and Emily (6). Both girls quickly agreed to my terms to become Toy Testers for the afternoon. Apparently a Killer Python each is more than enough payment.
The folks at Toy Universe have sent out the full range of Fairy Doors from The Irish Fairy Door Company, including 3 doors, background wall art to set the scene and real life Fairy accessories and of course, some Magical Fairy Dust.
The Irish Fairy Door Company is the original inventor of the Fairy Door Concept that has taken the world by storm over the last few years. The three doors are an "arched style" door that come in three magical colours, Blue, Purple and Pink to match most decors.The girls were quickly ripping open the Purple and Pink doors leaving me with a stunning Blue number to make on my own.
Each door is handmade by The Irish Fairy Door Company and sticks easily to almost any surface, indoors or out. If you are going to use your fairy door outside though the manufacturer suggests a quick coat of clear lacquer to protect from the elements. The door sets include, The Magic key inside a bottle, 3 stepping stones so the fairies don’t get dirty feet and a notepad for the fairies to leave little notes for the fairy believer. A lease agreement for the Fairy Door makes everything official.
The official paperwork is very important when you have a genuine Irish Fairy Door in your possession as it is this paperwork that allows you to go online and enter the magical world of the Fairy for your child. This magical world is full of games, ideas and fun fairy stories that will help your child to unlock the magic of the fairy kingdom and bring their very own Fairy Door to life. Registration is really easy and quick, all you need is your official papers.
Of course, a Fairy Door is very well and good, but you might find that you have a bit more luck with the fairy visits if you bring in some accessories for the little fairies to feel right at home.
Luckily the Irish Fairy Door Company has thought of everything and created a number of accessories including a clothes line (complete with male clothesor female clothes for your fairies), A Garden Accessory Kit (including a park bench for your fairy to rest their feet) and a Playtime Set for the younger fairy who just wants to have fun.
With all the equipment set up, it’s time to set the scene for your Irish Fairy Door with the stick on (and easy peel off) wall art which is in three, uniquely fairy designs of Toadstool, Rainbow and Picket Fence. These background wall arts really set the scene for the arrival of your favourite fairy.
Lucy and Emily had each retired to their rooms with their killer pythons and their collections from the Irish Fairy Door Company. With the help of Mum and Dad they were carefully planning their Fairy Kingdoms with Lucy installing her door just above the skirting board next to her bed and Emily installing her door on the window and window sill as she is on the top bunk. Both were busily comparing notes on who would see the fairies tonight. Lucy quickly declared she wasn’t sleeping tonight until she saw a fairy!
I set my Fairy Door up in their playroom and sprinkled a hefty dose of fairy dust around to really set the scene. Being a glitter like substance I am not sure you would want to use the Fairy Dust on carpet but then again, you only live once.
The online world created by The Irish Fairy Door Company is really easy to use and great fun for the Fairy lover in your family, just like the fairy door.
The Irish Fairy Door Company have created a cute, fun and interactive little toy, No batteries, No violence, just good wholesome fun for those that are prepared to believe in a little magic.
Despite what Lucy may have thought, the girls were both reported to have gone straight to bed that night, each keen to see the fairy appear. Mum quickly told the girls that the Fairies won’t come until your eyes are closed and they were asleep in minutes, perhaps the solution to bedtime woes?