Tag Lines: Why You Need ‘Em And How To Create ‘Em
Tag lines, or slogans are short, memorable statements about a company or its products or services. Along with your name, they are designed to convey a strong message about what the product is and what it can do for your customers. A good tag line will differentiate your product or service from the competition while planting your message firmly into the mind of your prospects.
Just about every company should have a tag line. Large companies, like GEICO, Fosters Beer, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Raid, BMW and Rolaids have singular lines they’ve cultivated for decades.
GEICO – "15 Minutes Can Save You 15% Or More On Car Insurance"
Fosters – "Australian For Beer"
Kentucky Fried Chicken – "Finger-Lickin’ Good!"
Raid – "Raid Kills Bugs Dead"
BMW – "The Ultimate Driving Machine"
Rolaids – "How Do You Spell Relief? R-O-L-A-I-D-S" (70+ years old)
Others like Burger King, Hertz, Miller Lite and Coca Cola go through a carousel of tag lines sometimes jettisoning a wonderfully effective and memorable line for a so-so message, just for the sake of change. Often this is a mistake. Keep using a message as long as it works. Early on I was taught the folly of change for change sake with this credo, "An effective message doesn’t get stale. Your prospects haven’t heard it enough yet and your customers believe it."
Let’s take a look at some really great lines that were left behind. Why? No one seems quite sure.
Burger King – "Have It Your Way"
Miller Lite – "Tastes Great, Less Filling" and
"Everything You Always Wanted In A Beer. And Less.
Hertz – "It’s Hertz Or ‘Not Exactly’!"
Coca Cola – "The Real Thing"
Why Have A Tag Line?
SBOs (Small Business Owners or Small Business Organizations) - did anyone ever ask you, "What does your company do?" Did you have a short, memorable answer on the top of your mind you could give in under five seconds? If not, you should have. Properly articulated tag lines can be used in a variety of ways. Websites, letter heads, thank you cards, business cards, advertisements, uniform shirts, signage, etc., etc., etc.
It’s Different For An SBO
SBOs are different from large corporations and national and international brands in many ways. One of the most significant differences is that of time and money. SBOs can’t invest months or years and obscene amounts of money building a brand. Small businesses run ad campaigns, put up websites and engage in SEO and social media to get results. Now – not in six months.
So it’s doubly important for an SBO to create a tag line that works. Ideally, it should differentiate you from the competition, relay to the customer a meaningful benefit and do it in a memorable way. I know that’s a tall order, but the better you do…the better you’ll do.
ABC’s Of Creating A Tag Line
Try these three steps to create (or recreate) your own tag line:
Find your Unique Message (or Unique Selling Proposition).
Determine the most meaningful benefit you bring to your customers that is not also touted by the competition.
Craft a simple, short and easy to remember statement that incorporates A and B when coupled with your business name.
Over the years I’ve developed dozens of tag lines for some of my small business clients. Here is a sampling. See if you can identify the unique message and or benefit. (Hint: It’s really easy!)