Do Weighted Blankets Help People with Insomnia?

Author: Sensacalm Weighted Blankets

To all the people out there who have a hard time falling asleep at night that are tired of the incessant tossing and turning in bed, you don’t have to resort to pills to cure your insomnia. There are a number of ways to improve your sleep cycle without having to knock your nervous system out with drugs, and weighted blankets happens to be one of them - a rather effective one, I might add.

A study observed the effects of weighted blankets on people suffering from chronic insomnia. They divided the results into two sections: objective analysis and subjective analysis. Objectively, they found that with the use of weighted blankets, the total sleeping time of the individuals increased and there was a decrease in fidgeting and movement. Subjectively, the study found that the participants preferred sleeping with the weighted blankets as it helped them fall asleep and made them feel more refreshed in the morning. Another study showed similar findings, with the majority of the participants displaying positive results with a better sleeping experience when using weighted blankets.

Weighted blankets are effective at calming people down and relieving stress and anxiety because they offer deep pressure stimulation therapy. Why this works is because when the body is experiencing deep pressure, like from squeezing or hugs, Serotonin, the feel-good chemical is released. This, in fact, is one of the reasons why hugs leave you with that warm, comfy feeling.

Now imagine getting the same feelings of comfort and security when you’re lying in your bed at night, trying to drift off to sleep. Instead of relying on sleeping pills to fall asleep, you can always cozy up to your weighted blanket for a much more satisfying sleeping experience. Because at the end of a long and tiring day, there’s nothing like a warm hug to make you feel better.

Weighted blankets have plastic poly pellets that are sewn into compartments, so that the weight is evenly distributed. This provides a deep pressure touch simulation, which activates receptors. Just as how infants get comforted when swaddled, everyone who uses weighted blankets can feel safe and relaxed with the hug-like coziness that these blankets provide.