Do You Want to Become a Skincare Specialist?

Author: Cosmotek College

The recent advancement in skin care field and the rising number of men and women wanting to reduce the effects of aging and look radiant have paved way for those who are looking to secure their career as professional skin care specialists. Once you finish a training program from a skin care school in San Jose, you can choose to work in a day spa, wellness centre, and medical center or in a plastic surgeon’s office.

So exactly what you will learn at a skin care or beauty school in Bay Area or San Jose? You will learn a lot of things at this school which will make you an expert in skin care industry. Let’s discuss some of them.

Skin Analysis – As a licensed skin care specialist, every skincare treatment you perform will begin with a consultation. You will learn how to perform a skin analysis, determine the client’s skin type, find out and treat a variety of different skin issues such as acne and oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles. You will also be trained to tell clients if they require the attention of dermatologist and advise them on at-home care regime.

Different Kinds of Facials – As a skincare specialist, you will need to know how to perform a variety of different facial treatments so that you can create a wonderful experience for your client. You will learn how to cleanse and tone the skin, perform different exfoliation treatments, and perform soothing face massages.

Make-up Application – In a skin care school in San Jose, you will receive in-depth instruction on the latest make-up techniques and trends. This will include learning how to match your client’s skin tone, unifying foundation, highlighting and contouring, using false eyelashes, and creating the latest smoky eye look. You will also learn special effects make-up skills that are used for working in theater or TV.

Different Body Treatments – Skin care experts not only learn about skincare but learn how to care for whole body too. You will learn how to perform a variety of treatments such as body masks, wraps, aromatherapy and scrubs.

Hair Removal - You will also learn a variety of methods for removing unwanted hair from clients in a beauty school in Bay Area. You will learn the art of waxing, threading, eyebrow shaping.

If you are interested to become a skin care experts, enroll with a skin care school San Jose to gain valuable training and experience working with the latest skincare technology.