Root canal treatments in ahmedabad

Author: Dhaval Somani

Somani's Orthodontic & Dental Clinic is one of the best clinic providing effective and root canal treatments in Ahmedabad

Why get a Root Canal done??

The pulp is the inner most layer of tooth that harbors nerve endings and tissues which make it a living tissue, extending right up to the roots. Once this tissue has been infected the only viable option for saving the tooth is to perform a root canal treatment and we at Somani’s Orthodontic & Dental Clinic located in satellite Ahmedabad help you in doing so, with minimal discomfort. Taking only antibiotics or other pain reliving medications will not remove the cause of the infection neither will these medicines help in disinfecting the root canals as the blood vessels that would usually deliver these medications to the site of infection are usually destroyed by the bacteria when they infect the tooth. The medicines might give a temporary relief but they are not the ultimate solution.

If the infected tooth is left untreated it presents a significant risk as the infection may worsen and can spread to other parts of the body which leads to changes that make it further more difficult to treat the tooth and ultimately leading to removal of tooth. Although one may experience pain, swelling, or other signs of infection at any point during this disease process, it is quiet common that a person is not aware of this chronic disease occurring until a problem is found during a checkup by the dentist which is why it is recommended to get a dental checkup every 6 months from your dentist.

Does it pain during the Root Canal Procedure??

A common misconception amongst Patients is that the Root Canal treatment is painful. This is not true, which is why every patient who has undergone such treatment at Somani’s Orthodontic & Dental Clinic, the best dental clinic in Ahmedabad is satisfied on completion of the treatment with no discomfort. A lot of people have some level of apprehension about the Root Canal treatment because of the fear of injection and the pain associated with that injection, But at Somani’s Orthodontic & Dental Clinic with use of local anesthetics and advanced equipments due to evolution in modern dentistry we have made root canal treatment a highly tolerable procedure that is no less comfortable than getting a routine filling done.
