Factors To Consider In Acing The Page Speed Test For Better Ranking
One of Google's ranking factors is how fast your page loads up. The faster, the better. Like what most SEO experts would claim, a faster site leads to better user experience, which in turn can result in higher conversion rates.
Several studies have already noted this pattern. According to Akamai, 47% of users expect pages to load up in less than 2 seconds, while a Google study indicates that there is a 40% chance that a user will abandon a page if it doesn't load up within 3 seconds when it comes to mobile web. Page delays can cause consumers to turn to your competitors if it can provide a better service.
What can slow down your site?
1. Your host's capabilities
Inquire about their reliability, the hardware they can provide, and get assistance on how to tweak some of your web settings to ensure to ensure that you'll meet your speed requirements.
2. Large images
Compress and resize large images and use its optimized versions using software or apps such as EWWW Image Optimizer, Kraken, or Fileminimizer Pictures.
3. Third-party plug-ins. Constantly double check the plug-ins on your website if they are still necessary. Research for similar plug-ins and compare how much they take up.
What can help you ace your page speed?
1. CDN or Content Delivery Network
CDN can help compress websites elements and store them on primed servers to reduce server lag. One experiment on CDNs has resulted to an improvement in site speed of 60%. (source: http://www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/tutorials/content-delivery-network-case-study/)
- Caching. This enables your user to store up your site's data in their browsers, which reduces the loading time of your page from 2.4 down to.9 seconds according to this study. (source: http://yuiblog.com/blog/2007/01/04/performance-research-part-2/)
- Use Gzip compression. It can reduce the size of your website files and make file transfers faster.
- Minify HTML, and/or minify or combine JavaScript and CSS files into one large file to speed up loading time.
There are several page speed test tools you can use such as Y!Slow, WebPagetest.org, or Google's Page Speed that can help you evaluate your sites and provide the data that can help you improve it. If you want to read more about guaranteed keyword ranking, check out this site.
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He is the most accredited SEO expert offering advanced solutions and strategies for the clients. His vast experience and industry knowledge makes him a pro in the field of Search Engine Optimization. Apart from offering unique strategies based on the changing market trends, he also uses the latest technology and solutions to provide result oriented and accurate web design services for the customers.