5 Romantic Places to Visit When Planing a trip to New York City

Author: Melanie Estes

New York City is saturated in exciting attractions, entertainment and romance. In regards to finding romantic getaways, listed below are five spots in the Big Apple that you do not wish to miss.

1. The Brooklyn Bridge

Long called a landmark, the Brooklyn Bridge is definitely an iconic structure that, at one time, was the longest suspension bridge in the United States. It's over one mile long, and carries significantly more than 123,000 people across it every day. The bridge is particularly intriguing at night, if it is illuminated by strings of lights across its wire arches, creating the right backdrop from the Brooklyn skyline. Go to the Brooklyn Bridge Park to obtain a glimpse of the bridge, while also enjoying a peaceful picnic together.

2. Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Fields is the area of Central Park that lies between 71st and 74th Streets. Named for the Beatle's hit of the same name, it was designed to cover homage to John Lennon, who was simply shot at his nearby apartment in 1980. It is surrounded by numerous elm trees, shrubs and flowers, and can be designated as a "quiet zone." Here, you'll manage to relax and unwind, while taking in the best of what nature has to offer.

3. Financial District

You may not consider New York City's financial district to be a romantic place to hang out, but it actually can be. Embark on a walking tour along with your mate, taking in some of the historic sites such as Trinity Church and the Federal Hall National Memorial. Finish your walking tour close to the Charging Bull statue, and then head over to Bowling Green Park to unwind from your own adventure.

4. Grand Central Terminal

The majestic appearance of Grand Central Terminal is primarily why is it this type of romantic destination for a visit. Located at 42nd Street and Park Avenue, the terminal is comprised of magnificent architectural features such as for instance arched doorways, lighted tunnels and steep columns. Although it is a major train hub, people also come here to take pleasure from shopping, fine dining, and special events as well. You can also set about an audio tour of the station, where you'll find out about its history and find out some little-known details.nyc trip planner

5. Times Square

Times Square is probably best known to be your home of the infamous "ball drop" on New Year's Eve. Additionally it is a particular place to see at other times as well. Called the "Crossroads of the World,", Times Square can also be home to the Broadway District, where you can have a romantic dinner and show together. Plan on visiting near Christmas, when the whole district is illuminated with an incredible number of intricate lights, which will be truly a sight to behold.

Finding romance in and around New York City doesn't need to be difficult, despite the fact there are huge numbers of people living here. Any one of these five settings are perfect for a romantic date with that someone special.