Four Reasons Why You Would Use Louver Doors in Your Home

Author: Amazing Doors & Hardware

Nowadays, you will find louvered doors in a good number of homes and commercial establishments. These are doors with horizontal angled slats on the whole length of the door or some part, like the top or bottom half. Louver doors are increasing in popularity and with good reason.

Here are four ways in which having louver doors in your house can make a positive difference:

  • Ventilation: The angled slats let air flow in and out of a room freely. This is particularly important for closets where shoes or wet things are stored. If there is no air flow, it can become odorous and damp in such enclosed areas. Louvered doors are the perfect option to keep the closet ventilated while keeping the doors shut. Louvered doors are also useful for laundry rooms where dryers are kept. Dryers perform at an optimum level if they get a constant supply of air. Else, you need to run them longer, wasting electricity and wearing them out faster. Leaving the door open is always an option if you have solid doors, but that can become a nuisance very fast.
  • Louvered doors are handy: Louvered doors tend to be the bi-folding kind. They don’t occupy too much space when you open them. So, it’s easy to fit them in even when you have a space constraint. You don’t need to be concerned about large doors swinging open and hurting someone or blocking a passage. You can choose how you want the louvers to be spaced, either closely spaced together or more widely spaced from each other. Both varieties allow air to flow freely while blocking light and visibility. So, no more musty, dank spaces in your house and at the same time no exposed jacket and shoe racks.
  • Great-looking: Normal, solid doors can get monotonous sometimes. Louvered doors give a unique look to any space you use them in. They provide uniformity to your closets and cupboards and complement any décor effortlessly. With the wide variety of panel options you get them in, it’s easy to make louvered doors work for you regarding practicality and looks.
  • Versatility: You get options in louvered doors tailored specifically to the use you want to put them to. There are louvered doors for your photography dark room in case you have one at home. These are specially designed to keep light entering at a minimum while letting air flow freely to aid the chemicals used in photo development. You also
get louvered doors in steel for maximum protection. Still, others come with slots at a downward angle so that there is zero visibility into the room or cupboard.

With these kinds of advantages, any house can benefit with the addition of louvered doors. Don’t wait too long before you get some for your home.