5 Tips for Choosing a Divorce Lawyer

Author: Barbara Nunneley

Even under the very best of circumstances, ending a marriage can be emotionally and financially challenging. Having a reputable divorce lawyer available to provide guidance and ensure a fair and equitable outcome can be crucial. Finding the right lawyer, however, does take a little time and research. Simply opening up a directory and choosing a name is not likely to result in a well-made match for representation.

Here are just a few tips that can help clients choose a divorce lawyer to assist them in navigating the legal process:

  • Consider the needed process first – Divorces don’t always follow the same processes. When a couple comes to terms together prior to filing paperwork, their journey to divorce will vary greatly from a couple that is bitterly embroiled in a battle over property, child custody or alimony, for example. The processes may involve mediation, collaboration, litigation or cooperative. First define the likely process needed to end the marriage and then look for a divorce attorney who specialize in the process.
  • Decide the level of service required – Not everyone needs a pricy, high-end divorce attorney to attain the desired results. Consider the details of the case and the likely services required before trying to choose a divorce attorney.
  • Get input – Gaining insight on attorneys within a specific geographical area can be especially helpful. Ask friends, family and co-workers for recommendations. Make smart use of the internet to review different candidates’ backgrounds, but don’t take reviews and ratings too seriously. The reality is online review and ratings may not tell the whole story.
  • Look for a family law specialist – Going to an environmental attorney for help in a divorce is very much like seeing an eye doctor for a bad heart. The law, just like medicine, is highly specialized. To gain the best representation, it is very important to choose a divorce attorney who specializes in family law and knows the ins and outs of the practice.
  • Meet in person – Most divorce attorneys offer consultations to give prospective clients a chance to meet them. These meetings also help an attorney review the merits of the potential case. Take advantage of consultations to meet divorce attorneys in person. Try to interview at least three before making a final hiring decision.
Even if a divorce involves no children and is uncontested, there is a specific legal process that must be followed. Hiring a skilled divorce attorney can make navigating the process much less stressful. It is important though to take the time to find good representation to ensure the best outcome in the circumstance.