Consult With an Expert Lawyer for Any Personal Injury Case in Miami

Author: Orlando Hendricks

If by some unfortunate chance you or a loved one has been injured in an accident that was caused by someone else's fault or negligence, you are entitled to seek compensation for your injuries. The branch of law that deals with such cases is civil law and in particular, the law of torts. The term "personal injury" is used to describe any injury to the body, mind or emotions but not property. Personal injury claims are different from criminal proceedings. When crimes are committed, the state prosecutes the offender, but in civil cases, the dispute is between two parties. Hence, a personal injury claim can be made against those responsible for the accident that caused your injuries. Consult a professional personal injury attorney in Miami if you have been injured or suffered damages following an accident.

An important issue that you should keep in mind while hiring a Professional personal injury lawyer in miami is that lawyers, like most other professionals, tend to handle certain types of cases exclusively. Hence, if you've suffered injuries in an automobile accident, consult a reputed Miami car accident lawyer for best results. Other types of personal injury include those suffered in:

  • Road accidents
  • Sports accidents
  • Workplace accidents
  • Slip and fall/Trip and fall
  • Assault
  • Accidents in homes, cruise-ships, entertainment spots
  • Accidents on someone else's premises/property
  • Animal attacks
  • Medical/Dental malpractice
  • Nursing home negligence
  • Defective products

And many more.

Most reputed Miami personal injury attorneys offer an initial, no-obligation free consultation, in which they provide a genuine, swift and comprehensive evaluation of the merits of your case and take up your case on a no fees upfront till settlement basis.

Compensation is generally claimed for past and future medical expenses, income and wages replacement, pain and suffering, disability compensation, and in case of death, the deceased person's dependents can claim loss of companionship, guidance etc. In certain cases, punitive damages are awarded.

Personal injury attorneys in Miami can advise you about the fact that such cases are governed by strict statute of limitations regulations. This means there is a particular time-frame prescribed within which compensation claims must be filed, or else they are invalid. Claims must also be filed accompanied by the right paperwork and at the right venue/jurisdiction. An expert Miami personal injury attorney can assist you with the complex process of filing the claim. In general, insurance companies representing the at-fault party must fulfill the compensation pay-out.

Though most personal injury claims are settled out-of-court through dispute resolution/negotiations, with both sides presenting their evidence, it's possible that such dialogues break down and the case goes to trial for final settlement by a judge/jury.