7 Tips go on vacation with your jewelry

Author: Hanisha Sachdeva

Travel plans are closely synonymous with the summer months. Whether you’re planning a big trip abroad, a meandering road trip or plenty of adventures at the beach. We bring you seven pointed tips so that you don’t have to stress about them.

Never lose a button

Buttons are great way to keep earrings organized. Insert a pair into a button and keep them together to prevent damage. This is one of my favorite tips for travelling with jewelry. It’s very amazing to keep jewelry in colorful buttons. By this method, your jewelry is never lost. You can easy grab it and wear whenever you want.


Keep necklace chains tangle-free by moving one end through a drinking straw then closing the clasp. Pull all the straws in a toothbrush holder to keep your necklace safe & contained. Even plastic drinking straws may be the perfect thing helps you pack your necklaces. It helps our jewelry to keep in well manner.

Index cards

Keep earrings organized and easy to find by using a safety pin to poke through an Index card then insert your earrings & seal the back. Wrap the cloth around the card then pack it with the rest of your jewelry. It is one of best method to keep your jewelry safe and organized.

Plate them

If you have any disposal plates, use them to store your jewelry. Take a Styrofoam plate and insert your earring and if you want make holes for your necklaces, bangles, anklets etc. You can use this method not only in vacation but also at home.

Daily pill box

You have seven-day pill boxes used to manage weekly pill doses? They are project size for storing individual earrings, rings and smaller necklace and even anklets. By putting just one item in a box, jewelry stays tangle free and standardized. And since the boxes are connected, you have all your jewelry in one place. By this method, you can even arrange your accessories per day. Its small, it’s strong and keeps all your jewelry ultra-organized.

Pouch them

If your jewelry is not high maintenance, use a soft pouch. Just get some fabric and tie it up with a bit of rope or even a shoe lace.

Face towel

Keep travelling with simple jewelry by using small towel. Arrange your jewelry neatly and then roll the towel, tie it down at the ends & here you go.

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