Saving Abel in West Hollywood

Author: Ron Morgan

It’s time to get "Addicted" now and welcome the most polished and creative band "Saving Abel". This band is coming to California at famous night club ‘Whisky A Go- Go’ located at 8901, Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, California for a live rock show scheduled on Wednesday, August 31, 2016. The show is a real excitement and pure entertainment. The stage is set and music is on so why wait any more just go and get your reservations for this most exotic and sensual live music show. The show will begin at 7:00PM and you must reach their well in time to get the best spot for yourself at the venue but there is huge rush on roads and parking is another problem that may get you delayed for the event so you should take cab venice beach for reaching the venue before the show starts.

Saving Abel is a full band with five members and no surprises that all are extremely celebrated musicians and stage performers. The vocals by Jared weeks are simply mesmerizing and heart touching and when backed by Guitar beats of Jason Null and Scott Barlett they become so astounding that nothing else can be better. The power of their sound multiplies when Eric Taylor plays music on bass and the drum beats by Blake Dixon adds to the energy creating an unmatchable music scene that leaves the entire audience rocking.

Their music seems so familiar but so fresh and it gives you a feeling like you have heard it somewhere and the reason for this recognition is the comfort and ease of understanding their music and vocals have. If you want to have such wonderful music experience you must not wait for any more and decide today and come with your friends to this most wonderful and entertaining music mania happening at West Hollywood. The parking is prepaid so to save the parking money you may take services of taxi west Hollywood available for a very pocket friendly price.

The uniqueness in the sound of this band is due to differing and somewhat conflicting writing styles of Null and weeks. Where Weeks is more literal and casual writer with influences from southern rock, the other one is more technical and bit formal. Week writes how he feels and when you hear those songs you find them written for your feelings or simply for you. You establish a connection with the musician and his music feels like your own so it feels familiar to you as it somehow comes through your heart.

So don’t miss the mega show at the most happening and away from all nonsense an amazing night club whisky A Go-Go at West Hollywood. The venue is most preferred among all by the visitors as their service is perfect and the drinks they serve taste great. The surroundings are beautiful and you will find the place best for spending a lovely evening with your partners and friends. So book your cab marina del rey now for reaching the club hosting the best music shows for most fabulous live entertainment. You must also confirm all details about the event from organizers before making any bookings.