Healthy Lifestyle Habits For Healthy Child by Ayurveda Experts

Author: Prakruti Jiyofresh

In today’s competitive world kids are the one who are facing lots of challenges in their daily routine. It’s time to check the stress they face. There are lots of activities they have to go through like after-school schedules, sports practices, music lessons, homework, play time and lot more. Balancing all this activities is difficult task for them which creates stress, depression, weakness, abrupt behaviour and various health problems. Even it is not easy for working parents to handle and balance the healthy lifestyle for their kids. So today we share few health habits, your kid should follow. Also further get to know how "Ayurveda" helps your kid to stay healthy and fit.

Check out healthy habits for every child:-

1. Breakfast

Breakfast plays vital role. Kids, do not skip your breakfast as it boost your energy after overnight fasting and provides you essential nutrients and proteins.

  • Boost brain power
  • Improves energy level
  • Build better body
  • Keeps you strong

Have your breakfast daily for long term health benefits.

2. Drink lots of liquids

As children have very busy schedule they need much more energy to face daily challenges and be active. Drinking plenty of water and other natural fluids can help,

  • Fight infections
  • Get rid of body toxins
  • Boost Energy
  • Improves productivity
  • Prevents constipation

3. Be active

In Today’s world of technology, kid are busy playing video games, spending most of their time in front of computers screen and watching television. Instead kids must choose outdoor activities, that will help them get moving and keep them healthy and give physical benefit. Get use to healthy habits Kids!

Few outdoor sports to keep you active are

  • Bicycling
  • Skating
  • A Hoop
  • Hopscotch
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Jogging

I am sure you might know more...

4. Reduce Fat intake

Today most of children are fast food lover; they choose burgers, pizzas and cold drinks against healthy homemade food and fresh fruit juices. Too much fat is not good for your health. Fat leads to obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure and are also more likely to have joint problems. So avoid "FATS"

5. Brush your teeth twice a day

Children love sweets, eat lots of junk food which lead to cavity and unclean teeth. So protect your teeth. Oral care at early age is always good. Brushing your teeth twice a day will help you protect your teeth and gums, keeps bad breath at bay; it will greatly reduce the risk of getting cavities. So develop healthy habits, brush your teeth twice a day and keep smiling.

Today we have share few healthy lifestyle habits your kids must adapt, but parents you are equally responsible for health of your kid. If you wish to see your kid healthy you have lot to contribute. As today kids are overloaded and over scheduled they need more energy, sharp brains, and strong mental and physical health. Strong immune system is must for your kid to fight various infections and to adapt changing climate.

Ayurveda plays very vital role when it comes to healthy child. Every parent wants his kid to be healthy, super active, competitive, strong and sharp but at the same time you want your kids to be stress free, physically and mentally strong with good immune system. Ayurveda treatments and remedies get you towards the healthy lifestyle for healthy child.

To keep your child away from depression, anxiety disorders and various other health problems opt to ayurvedic treatments. Ayurveda is safe for your kids, do not have any side effect, cure health diseases from root cause and keep your kid healthy.

At Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort we strongly believe today school going children need more care and attention to fight various challenges in their daily routine. So we are proud to introduce FREE and special ayurvedic health programme for school children "Jug Jug Jiyo"

Every child can benefit from "Jug Jug Jiyo" programme, where ayurvedic experts will check every student, discuss their health issue, understand the health constitution of each one through their birth date and will treat them. Also health workshops will be held motivating you to live healthy lifestyle, diet and choose healthy, fruitful and a long life.

Say HELLO To Healthy Life Kids!!