Reasons why good indoor air is necessary for a healthy life

Author: Kim William

We do not usually pay a lot of attention to the air quality in our homes, little realizing how important it is. Poor indoor air quality could prove detrimental not only for you, but for other members of the family as well, especially children and the elderly, or those prone to asthma or respiratory allergies. Though often blatantly ignored, poor ventilation could also be the reason behind your headaches and the occasional spells of drowsiness that catch you unawares.

The headaches and drowsiness stated above are just two of the observable pitfalls of poor ventilation in homes, the others being eye irritations, a constant feeling of fatigue, the throat running dry, a feeling of nausea, etc. Besides this, it also leaves the ever looming threat of lung or other respiratory diseases afflicting you in the long run. Yet, so carelessly do we overlook air quality that it’s been speculated that the air quality inside homes is almost 70 times worse than the air quality outside. Incidentally, or rather fortunately, the solution to this problem is not very hard to achieve, and getting a good air cleansing system from trusted air conditioning contractors in Barrie is enough to do the trick.

Newer ventilators that have been designed in the past decade or so have proven adept at getting rid of stale air, pollutants, harmful fumes, excess moisture and even odors thanks to the balanced ventilation technologies they incorporate aside from the dual airflow design that does not allow the fresh air being pumped into the house to mix with the stale one being ejected. Not only does this ensure good health for you and your family, but also means that there is lesser damage to your home by nefarious elements like moulds and fungus during the warmer months of the year. Due to these factors, it makes a lot of sense to include ventilators along with your other Barrie heating and cooling equipments, especially since they aren’t very expensive and neither do they need a lot of maintenance.

Considering we’re already discussing air quality in homes, it’s also worth mentioning that a major source of indoor air pollution is a defective furnace, which can be overcome by either getting a good quality furnace repair in Barrie from a reliable service provider who specializes in heating and cooling equipments, or by going all out and getting a new furnace altogether. Either way, if you’re using a furnace that is old and dilapidated, you ought to deal with it promptly. Remember that good air is as crucial for good health as a healthy diet; if you’ve been neglecting it so far, today would be a good time to start making the necessary amends.