Helpful checklist for HTML to WordPress Conversion

Author: Jason Roiz

Running your website on WordPress is indeed an intelligent decision that can take you towards the path of success. Considering the ever-rising popularity of WordPress, it won’t be wrong to say that switching to WordPress can actually aid you in fulfilling all your web development requirements in the most convenient manner. Even if you’re running a plain HTML site, you can always choose to migrate to WordPress. Today, in this article, I’ll be offering you a checklist that’s a must-follow if you’re thinking about HTML to WordPress conversion.

Why migrating from HTML to WordPress can help you attain business success

Choosing HTML to Wordpress conversion can allow you to manage your website in a planned format. You can easily edit, update and add the content placed on different web pages. Well, there are some more than obvious reasons as to why individuals are opting for converting their static HTML sites to WordPress CMS-based ones. Here’s a list of these reasons:

  • WordPress powered sites are easier to manage

  • WordPress sites are more scalable, allowing you to extend the functionality as and when required

  • WordPress site can be managed by a non-techie as well

  • It’s easier to make content updates on a WordPress website

And, now the checklist for HTML to WordPress Migration

  • Analyze your current HTML site thoroughly

Before starting with the conversion of HTML files to WordPress template, make sure to look through everything that exists on your current website. Check out for any out-of-date content, irrelevant posts or any unwanted web pages that shouldn’t be necessarily migrated to the new CMS-based website. Remove all such elements before proceeding ahead with the site’s conversion process.

  • Don’t forget to backup your current HTML site

It’s better to be forewarned than forearmed. The same rule applies to HTML slicing as well. In order to prevent any risks of losing important data related to your site, it’s always better to take a complete backup of your website. You may choose to save all the files on the hard drive, DVD, flash drive or any other hosting backup server.

  • Get to know everything about WordPress

  • Now that you’ve chosen WordPress for powering your website, it’s quite essential for you to know everything about WordPress CMS. Try gathering a lot of information about WordPress CMS and why choosing it can allow you to enhance your site’s performance. You may choose to go through a large number of online tutorials available for WordPress. In these tutorials, you can get a complete insight on WordPress features and the role they play in improving a website’s overall performance. Get to know about the free and premium WordPress plugins that’ll allow you to add different functionalities into your WordPress website. Also, try honing your knowledge about the seo-friendly nature of WordPress. You may choose to read articles and blog posts that give an in-depth opinion of using WordPress for improving the search engine ranking of your website.

Author Bio- Jason Roiz is a web developer by profession and a writer by hobby. He loves sharing information regarding HTML to wordpress conversion,PSD to Wordpress, Majento, Drupal and PSD to Joomla conversion and how it’s been used by web developers all over the world.