Life in Sydney From a Cleaning Serviceman’s Perspective
Sydney is considered to be one of the dream places for many to get settled to; the clean surroundings and the blue skies have adorned the beauty of the place with a cheerful living. It’s water, water, everywhere, many love this, but, this is appreciated only by the people who have a well maintained living standard. Workers and low waged people do not enjoy all the time to take a to and fro process on a daily basis. They already have to perform the tough task of cleaning every edge of the different houses, surely they do not appreciate to take the pain of transfers from boat to boat to reach their workplace and different client places.
The several other challenges faced by cleaners in Sydney can be as follows:
- Clients have really high expectations with them. They have clung with their own plans of the parties, or celebration, therefore, they want the cleaners to clean the entire penthouse within two hours and expect to receive shiny surfaces too. Not giving enough time to clean the area, causes insufficient cleaning aspects, but the client rejects to understand.
- Sometimes the service takers take the sincerity for granted and do not provide the necessary equipments still expect a show up every day. No equipment means no cleaning options, but, taking the support of knees and cleaning with the hands is considered to be the next best option.
- A little attention on the customer’s part can make their job easy, but an inconsiderate behavior puts the workers to spend more time cleaning. For example, if the wheels of the automobiles clog with mud, it is better not to bring it inside the premises before cleaning them.
- Adapting an organized way of keeping the objects can help in easy cleaning of the area. More is the mess harder it gets to clean the area.
- Maintaining the decency like not walking with the muddy shoes on the area just wiped can keep the workers at peace. By doing so the effort made is spoiled and it seems that the employer is trying to test the patience.
- A worker is a human being too, if there is something that makes them stop for a minute or two, like a program on the television, or the collection of books, they should not be treated with rudeness.
- There might be times if a thing or two misses their mind; rather than making a pressure, a list of tasks can be prepared and handed over so that they do not forget about them.
- Do pay attention to the words they have for their professionalism, they are trained and they know better, guiding them continuously can irritate them.
- If the workers are being hired from a reputed company, a bargain is just going to be depreciating value for the workmen. Value the effort the cleaners make to clean and maintain the house, which you cannot.
- Having gossips can slow their task down. Also, many a times they are asked for performing other tasks like being a therapist, etc.
There are many other reasons, which pose to be a problem for a worker, cooperating with them for their needs like the products or the equipments, listening to their problems and appreciating them can keep them happy and give more confidence to perform well.
A well behaved employer, who is considerate and can look forward to serve the expectations a worker can have is said to receive an unproblematic experience for a long term. The cleaning services in Sydney are easily expected, but not that easily appreciated, people have to work for low wages and many a times the filthiest of tasks are expected to be as a part of the service. Being treated as a normal human, and receiving the attention from the client works as a boost, however, maximum times a completely opposite situation is what comes to encounter.
Hourly tips and overtime accounts to their right, they should not be deprived of the same. Changing the equipments at the correct time can help in an effective cleaning process. An active attention from the client side is very necessary for a quality performance by the cleaners.
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