How to maintain a lawn mower for perfect lawn mowing?

Author: Jason Taylor

Lawn mowing is mainly a summer activity, and thus, the most important equipment for it stays unused for a long period of time of time. It’s crucial to pay special attention towards the storage and maintenance of such machines.

A lawn mower is no expensive piece of machine. If you ever had a small accident or lawn mower malfunction and spent money on fixing it, you’ll know how much it hurts to see it in that condition. Here’s how you can avoid all those unfortunate and sad incidents.

How to store it?

Let’s begin with how you can store a lawnmower when you’re no longer mowing your lawn due to the inadequate weather. As it is fall, it’s the only activity you really need to do currently.

Consider where you are going to store the lawn mower. The shed should protect the machine from dampness and any kind of moisture. Always put in an insulated shed or the obvious place to keep it is your garage. Have a plastic sheet cover it for additional protection.

How to maintain it after every use?

Once you get back to lawn mower services near you in summer, you need to follow a proper cleaning schedule. After mowing your lawn, clean the mower blades. There shouldn’t be any leftover grass on the edges. Proper cleaning instructions often come in the user manual (in case, you’re using a high-end mower), or you can Google it.

Lawn Bags

Always empty the lawn bag after every lawn mowing Dundalk session. Not doing it may cause cracks in the bag and you’ll need to replace it.

Below are some things you should do periodically to maintain your lawn mower. It’s better to do it at the beginning of summer season.

Check the engine

There are two important things you need to check. First, check if there’s anything disrupting the normal functioning of the motor. It may give you signs like weird noises. It’ll disrupt the normal operation of the motor and cause it stop altogether.

Engine oil is another thing that can freeze your machine. Just like your car, you need to check regularly if the mower has enough engine oil. Lack of proper oil will result in shabby lawn mowing. You’ll know when it happens but try to avoid the situation.

Nut and bolts

Check for loose nuts and bolts regularly. These can create major problems if not fixed on time.


Never mow your lawn with blunt blades. You’ll actually be doing a lot more damage to your lawn after lawn mowing with dull blades. They should always be sharp.

These are all the activities you need to do to maintain your lawn mower and be truly perfect at lawn mowing Ellicott city. Ask for help from professional lawn mowing services if you still can’t mow your lawn as you want to. Use SameDayPros to locate these pros.