When Doctor select FUE, FUT and PRP Hair Transplant?

Author: Avenues Cosmetic

In cases when a person is suffering from hair problems he searches for solutions that could help him/her eliminate problem of hairs permanently. Even though there are plenty of alternatives available in market for eliminating such hair problems of excessive hair fall, hair thinning or baldness but people only trust hair transplantation as a best and permanent solution for hair problems. For best results only Best Hair Transplant in Ahmedabad must be trusted.Hair transplant is an advanced surgical procedure in which hair follicles are extracted from hair bearing areas and after closing this area of extraction the grafts are prepared and then these prepared grafts are carefully placed in areas where there are fewer hairs or no hairs. There are two types of hair transplantation basically used by doctors for hair loss patients.



  1. Sometimes more refined procedure of PRP hair treatment is used which is basically not a hair surgical procedure but is an advanced procedure that also guarantees best hair results. It is on a doctor that which one he chooses to correct hair problems in a hair loss patient & Hair Doctor in Ahmedabad make sure that they only choose best out of three for treating problems.

Hair transplantation & hair treatment solutions for hair problems:

FUT is traditional, hair surgical procedure that involves extraction of a strip of skin from a hair bearing area. After closing these areas with stitches the grafts are prepared from this skin and then these prepared grafts are carefully placed at the bald areas.FUE is an advanced surgical hair procedure that involved extraction of hair follicles form the donor area one after the other. These extracted grafts are then prepared and placed carefully at the recipient areas.PRP is a much refined & non surgical hair procedure that involves extraction of little blood from the body of the hair patient using a thin needle. In a centrifuge this blood is processed to extract necessary PRP which is then injected in the bald areas with necessary protein boosters to achieve natural hair growth.As per selection of best alternative from all the three is concerned a doctor only chooses the one which can yield better results in a hair loss patient depending upon the criteria of hair loss condition in a patient. Hair Doctor in Ahmedabad trust FUE that is follicular unit extraction for more advanced results.

Which technique is to be selected when?

Other then the doctors it is also on the patient that decides which treatment option he/she needs:

As FUT is trusted and is the oldest hair procedure it is selected by patient to get full growth hair results.

  • FUE is often selected by patient in cases when they do not want to go for severe stitches and need results with less healing and recovery time.
  • PRP is a selected option when a patient does want any of the surgical procedure for their hair problems.