Electrical Health And Safety At Workplace With Tips

Author: John Smith

Electricity is essential for power or light both at the work place and home, but is very dangerous as well, particularly in industries like construction or power plant. Therefore, health and safety in the working place required to more focus on electrical safety, and need to identify all the hazards before starting any electric work. Do you know according to a report," More than 1000 electrical accidents happened at work every year, and out of 1000, 25 people or workers or employees lost their lives.

There can be a number of caused behind electrical accidents, and a few major of them include damaged or poorly maintained equipment, inadequate or no earthlings, due to water, insufficient electrical testing like PAT testing, incorrect voltage supply and overheating. PAT testing is defined as portable appliance testing for electrical items. It has been a source of debate since the late 1980's, when electricity at Work was introduced.

Some Tips On Electrical Health And Safety

Don’t Accumulate Water On The Floor:

Water is one of the most electric related injuries or accidents happen as a result of its existing in or around the working, particularly construction site where electrical equipment such as heavy machines are being used frequently. The best way you can minimize electrical shock, injury or accidents is to work to prevent water from coming into contact with any equipments or lines.

Another major thing that you should keep in mind to electric-related safety around the working site is do not let water collect on the floor. Remove water before it can be accumulated. Remember, electricity and water should not mix avoid cording along electrical wires or lines on the floors.

Regularly Check Wire Cables and Unplug them before Cleaning

Cables are mainly suitable for indoor use, but a number of machines used outside, particularly in the construction industry. These wires can be broken or damages easily if they are not specifically designed for such environment. Besides, they also pose a safety risk in the form of trip hazards that can cause workers or employees fall and injure themselves badly.

Always check your cables that are passing over the ground because frayed or damages cables can be caused behind accidents and injuries. Replace worn wires with new. Always switched off and unplugged before starting any wire work.

Electrical Appliances Maintained Always

To keep save your workers and employees as well as yourself, employers need to make sure that all the Electrical Appliances are checked and tested every day. You can take help from a PAT testing company as the company will check each piece of electrical equipment such as fixed sockets/installations within your workplace.

Remember, in an emergency, always use a piece of handy equipment close to a plug gives you with the ability to easily and quickly without any danger to remove power from the device.