An overview of diamonds offered by LONITE

Author: Melany Malot

There are various means of keeping the memory of a loved one alive and getting a memorial diamond manufactured out of cremation ashes is one of them. Memorial diamonds are getting very popular these days since they are a great way of honoring the memory of someone you loved your entire life. There are different companies that offer such kind of diamond creation services. LONITE is one of them. It is based in Switzerland and is known to be one of the best companies in this regard.

Memorial diamonds are available in different colors and sizes. The prices for all of them vary greatly on the basis of different factors including the color, size and cut of the diamond. The most common colors include blue, red, greenish yellow, naturally amber and colorless diamonds. The diamonds are created using high end techniques in which extremely high amounts of pressure and temperature are applied to the human ashes which make them take the form of a diamond. In other words, natural conditions are provided to the ashes so they take the form of a synthetically prepared diamond. Varying the amounts of nitrogen gas during the whole procedure give different color shades to the diamonds.

LONITE offers its clients the freedom of having a diamond of their own liking. They ask you about the size, color and cut of the diamond that is meant to be created from the ashes of your beloved who recently has left the world. The basic kind of diamonds comes at high prices so having more and more customizations result in higher and higher prices. You can also decide which kind of cut you want your diamond to be in. The commonly offered cuts include Emerald, Asscher, Radiant, Princess and Brilliant cuts. You can figure out which cut to go for on the basis of what you are going to do with the diamond. Some of the people keep these diamonds in a safe custody to have a look at it whenever they want to remember their lost love. On the other hand, some people also like to keep them closer by wearing the diamond using a ring or a pendant.

In order to create the memorial diamonds a pretty high end procedure is followed. High pressures along with high temperatures are applied to the ashes till they take the form of a beautiful diamond. The entire procedure takes a time duration that may vary from 3 to 9 months. The average time for the completion of a diamond is almost 6 months. During this time, high temperatures ranging from 500 centigrade to 5000 centigrade are applied along with a pressure up to 100 kPa. The smallest or most basic size available in such kind of diamonds is 0.25 carats. It can go as high as 1.00 carats.

If you want such a diamond to keep someone’s memory alive, you can order it at LIONTE and they would make sure that you get one according to your liking and emotional affection.

Resource box: In order to know more about ( ) LIONTE, a Swiss company turns human cremation ashes into diamonds. Please click ( ) here.