How do you find if an NGO is authentic or not?

Author: Kaira Kapoor

Authenticity is the cornerstone of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity. These enduring values guide actions, decisions and relationships of an NGO's to work towards fulfilling their mission.

When the story revolves around donation and giving charity for children, which makes it so vital for verification. It's not about giving garments, or a progression of vaccination punches it's about giving charity for children's education. One should be clear and aware where his money is going, whether at thy right place for the right thing or not? Verification of NGO is thus the first and foremost thing to look forward before choosing any NGO.

  1. Check their grants from the government- The NGO’s receiving grants from the government comes under the purview of RTI act. Check the names of head of the NGO for details of the funds they got and how are they utilizing the funds. NGO's which are genuine will publish their funds collected and funds utilized with detailed reports on their website. So do check their website for details. Like, SOS Children's Villages have every detail mentioned on their website.
  2. Check the names of blacklisted NGO's- There is a foundation that brings out the names of blacklisted NGOs and it is the Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART). One need to check before they donate, or approach an NGO through Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) India that certifies the credibility of charitable institutions.
  3. Verify the NGO’s registration- Registration is one big thing that will prove the authenticity. One needs to visit the organization to get a fair idea about their operations, their Tax Exemption Certificate and the cause they claim to support.
  4. Check annual reports on their website- You can just go ahead and ask the NGO for their annual reports and a good NGO will be happy to provide them to you. Like, SOS India brings forth its reports annually to know about all their contributions. One can download the report to know about the working of the organization.
  5. The method of payment- Payment also plays an important part in verifying whether the NGO is authentic or not. The best and the most cost-effective way is to pay directly to the NGO either by sending a cheque or online. Do not go by paying to agents, direct selling agents (DSA), who get a commission on the same. SOS India operates with honesty and is transparent in its policies. It helps you to sponsor a child and give donations without any hidden costs.

It's about changing the way of a group for the advantage of everybody. SOS Children Villages values your support and let your money to be spent with full accountability and transparency. They believe in total disclosure about their NGO