Helping the people of Haiti – Osners Foundation Inc.

Author: Maqsood Rahman

(Garden City, NY September 21st, 2016)"Under the heavens, we are but one family," quote Confucius. At Osners Foundation, they lived up to that philosophy by helping the people of Haiti. Osners board member believe that making a difference require not just words but in action. They began by having their board members taking countless trips to Haiti to personally deliver fresh food and water. In their eyes when it comes to helping the people of Haiti, that "No Child should ever have to go to sleep hungry, no parent should have to decide which child to feed, and no one should ever have to drink water concerning if it will make them ill."Osners Foundation was founding in 2013 by J. Ronald Nazaire and his family in loving memory of their father Osner Nazaire and the Lebon Family. The foundation was initially focused on using sports as an outlet to improve the lives of orphaned children in the Port Salut area of Haiti. Their foundation aims to uplift the lives of children in Haiti through the introduction of sports and providing them with their basic necessities such as food, shelter, medical care, and educational assistance. Their goal is to assist these orphans to become self-sufficient by the age of 18. Since then, Osners Foundation has worked to provide children with the education, housing, and wellness that everyone should be entitled to.

From contribution of supporters, Osners Foundation will help the people of Haiti by using the funding to provide medicine, nurses, and doctors to ensure that those who fell ill will get proper care. When it comes to maintaining the health and wellness of their orphanage, they takes priority to provide them with necessary medical care, food, and nutrition to sustain natural growth and development. In addition to that, with the contribution from supporters, Osners Foundation will help the people of Haiti by providing nutritious sustenance, making sure that every child under their care goes to bed with a nourishing meal in their stomach.

According to the UNICEF, approximately 30 percent of children in Haiti attending primary school will not make it to the third grade. In addition to that, 60 percent will abandon school before the sixth grade. At Osners Foundation, their goal is to remedy these issues by providing education programs to future influencers of Haiti. They understand that education is expensive and for many families and children of Haiti, it is a necessity that they can’t afford. In effort to help the people of Haiti, with their educational programs, they will also try to provide tutoring as well as scholarships and funding for children of Haiti to receive a proper education.In effort to help the people of Haiti, Osners Foundation build the Athletic Academy. This facility are unlike the orphanage and it’s not exclusive to the orphanage. Families of Haiti are allow to enroll their children through small monetary contributions. This Athletic Academy is comprised of tutoring programs, which emphasize on soccer. They will lecture the fundamentals, history, and techniques of the sport while promote sportsmanship, discipline, values, and leadership skills.Helping the people of Haiti is not easy, Osners Foundation is hopeful to create a sense of community by allowing children to come together, establish friendships, and provide them with a sense of belonging and purpose. At Osners, they believe that a healthy community plays an important factor to their confidence and self-esteem; which are necessary to be self-sufficient once they come of age. They are eager to keep the innocence of these children in a world that forces them to grow up so quickly.