Some Common Queries Related to Dental Implants

Author: Dr.khalil Saghezchi

Before going for dental implant, there must be numerous questions poking you and your mind and you want to know their answers. Lets us discuss about some of the common questions relating to dental implants and benefits of getting done dental implant in Mountain View.

All the dental clinics do not do the dental treatment under medical insurance, only few do and Mountain View is one among them. If medical insurance for implant surgery is done by you then you can opt for dental implant in Mountain View. It will charge you less for the whole treatment as some amount of treatment will come under the implant surgery insurance made by you.

You must be thinking that the dental implant concept is new, but it is not true.This method has been practicing since long back. You can find golden wire implanted in the Egyptian mummies’ jawbones. The Pre-Columbian skeletons are also displayed in the museums that show semi-precious gems dental implants. Iron and ivory dental implants have also been found out in the unearthed skeletons of Roman soldiers.The only difference is that now a hygienic material – Titanium, is used for doing dental implants. Titanium cylinder was discovered in 1980’s and since that time it has become the first choice of all the dentists.

Now,next focus on the factors contributing to its success in respect of long term.The first factor on which the implant success depends is the quantity and quality of the bone. The second factor is the ability and experience of the dentist. Lastly, the restoration quality that is placed on implant’s top plays a vital role in the whole procedure. The implant crown’s design is very important for its success.

For getting done dental implant there is no age limitation. It can be done any time. The only condition is the availability of enough bones in that region where the implantation has to be done. You should avoid dental implants if you are diabetic, or you have gone through chemotherapy or any radiation therapy, disorders in the blood, parathyroid disorders, bone cancer or disorders in rare bones. Apart from this physical factor such as bone’s poor quality, nerve bundles or low sinuses do not permit you to go for the dental implant treatment.

Hope, the above information is enough to a certain extent to erase the queries aroused in your mind before getting the treatment done.