Finding the Right Glycol Chiller for Your Brewery or Winery

Author: Smart Cooling

If you are getting into the craft beer or the wine industry, you know that quality control and process management are the two most important aspects of the business. Without being able to monitor your product for consistency and for its strict adherence to the recipe, it’s simply impossible to reliably execute batch after batch of your finest recipes with the kind of consistency you need to support commercial operations. That’s why it is important to make sure your facilities are set up with the equipment they need to operate efficiently and to maintain your quality expectations. When it comes to temperature control, it means going with a glycol chiller.

Why Glycol?

Glycol is a food safe and efficient cooling solution that allows your chiller to operate consistently and accurately within the 25 to 27 degree centigrade range that wineries and breweries need to keep their product fresh and maintain their process with a high degree of accuracy. It is the industry standard for the beverage industry, and its success has led to individual bars and taverns implementing glycol systems to maintain the quality of their stock in addition to the role it plays in the manufacture of beers and wines.

Assessing Your Needs

No two businesses are alike, even if they make the same product. That’s why you need to work with a supplier whose glycol chiller models can be customized to suit individual customers. That way, you know you are having your equipment built to match the process needs of your individual recipes, instead of having to try to find a way to make the recipe work with the chiller. This difference seems small at first, but the more you consider it, the more it is easy to see how it has profound quality control implications.

When you are looking for the right chiller for your brewery or winery, make sure your supplier understands these principles as well as you do. That way, you know they will not only supply your individualized chiller system, you can also count on them being there to support it. That way, you know you will have the right replacement and maintenance parts when you need them, so you can keep your new chiller operating at its peak level for years.

Industry Leaders Exist for a Reason

If you are fairly new to the industry, it can be easy to overlook how essential the right equipment is because it can be difficult to understand how smoothly things could be going while you learn the industry. While you are learning to navigate the ins and outs of the beer or wine industry, it is good to look to industry leaders for your equipment. To find them, look for the companies whose designs innovate the product and whose volume of business shows the demand for their product, because popularity chases quality.


Getting started in the beer or wine industry is a great way to move into an expanding industry, but you need the equipment to control your process. That means finding a supplier with the right assortment of glycol chiller options to customize your company’s system.