Pay attention and flying without fear comfortably by fear of flying relief

Author: Robert Hook

To cure a Fear of Flying, you need only look to oneself. You don't need medication or expensive therapy so that you can finally board that plane and soar without panic, you just need to learn how to handle the panic you feel. And the best way to tackle your flying phobia is to simply escape your head. Your brain is the source of your entire worry and anxiety and once you discover ways to stop paying attention to it, you'll find the key to being able to be flying without fear comfortably.

A simple solution that we have discovered is within two guides, one, The Power of Now as well as the other A New Earth. Both were published by Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher who's uncovered a simple path to non secular enlightenment. His powerful yet simple message of choosing the joy in being is transforming the lives of many around the world. Within the pages of his guides, he outlines the secret to quieting your mind and tips on how to take back control of yourself simply by learning to be controlled by what your brain is saying. By being the observer of the voice in your thoughts you begin to understand that the true you does not take residence in your thoughts; and that actually the person you hear in your thoughts can be quiet harmful to the survival.

This is definitely the case once you try to fly, it is almost certain that the panic that sets in derives from the brain. The messages that are telling your system to panic and flee are not in reality however, there is no method to tell the future, no way for you to realize whether or not your trip will likely be a safe one; but then again there is no method to know otherwise either so why concern yourself with it?

It may seem silly, especially if you have worked with the fear of flying course for a long time, however if you can learn to ignore your thoughts many times, as I did, that your concerns subside almost immediately. You begin to find out that the only moment that really matters is now and that the past and future haven't any hold over you. This powerful realization came to me after reading both of his books and they make do the job as well.

It can be extremely difficult to stay in the now however, life is constantly being thrown at you and it's rather a struggle to stay out of your mind. All it takes is practice and the fact it can be done, which it could. And if you use these tools especially if you are about to take a flight it is possible to learn to control how your body-mind reacts in situations like this.

Positive messages are a better way to deal with stressful scenarios, but you may discover that no messages in any way can be far more powerful. Quieting your brain and feeling your true self and being completely inside the now leaves no room for dread.

For getting more information about flying anxiety visit the website