How To Soothe Down A Bloated Stomach?
Is there feeling of bloating and heaviness in the stomach? Perhaps it is the excess of gas or acidity that is causing such trouble in your tummy. Formation of gas following intake of heavy and indigestible meals is an indispensable condition that is experienced by almost all people. Restlessness is but obvious in this case as the sufferer is unable to eat anything. Also there is pain in the stomach due to excessive gas formation. Other symptoms may also accompany such as feeling of nausea, vomiting and headache. All such nuisance is caused just due to presence of gas in the tummy. What is relieving in this case is the fact you can get rid of gas and prevent its recurrence with the help of certain home remedies. Get relieved of stomach bloating with simple home remedies
There are certain ingredients in our homes that may help us to get rid of gas and bloating in the stomach. Even other gastric troubles such as acidity are also relieved with these home remedies. Below given are some of the most excellent home remedies for stomach gas and bloating. Butter milk - It is an excellent way to release gas from the stomach. It aids in improving digestion so that nothing remains undigested in the stomach. This in turn prevents gas formation. Fennel seeds - Those who suffer from gaseousness and bloating in the stomach more often must make it a habit to have fennel seeds with tea prior to breakfast. It prevents gas formation totally in the stomach. Also you may boil the same in water and keep sipping down this liquid slowly. Chewing fennel seeds following meals is also a good option. Ginger - To prevent gas formation, ginger is an unparalleled natural way. The gas formation is stopped completely in the stomach if you chew few ginger pieces with honey every morning on an empty stomach. Addition of ginger to your foods or tea also shows similar results. Asafoetida - This spice is commonly used in most homes while cooking. It may be used to get relieved of gas instantly. You may apply a paste of asafoetida on the naval to tackle the problem of gastric trouble effectively. Wait for some time and then rub it off. Although the smell of this spice is not liked by most people however it is really unbeatable when used for gas relief. Garlic - It is another good herbal option if you wish to soothe down stomach bloating the natural way. It has a prompting effect on the digestive mechanism which is very much important for gastric trouble relief. Those who use garlic extensively while cooking are able to keep all such problems at bay. Potato juice - Only few people know that potato juice can also be used for gas relief. It can be used 2-3 times in a day so that the gas may be released completely from the stomach.
These are all some of the most effective and excellent gastric trouble remedies that are known to work surely. Also you must ensure that the foods triggering such problems are eliminated from your plate.