Ways of Making Education Fit in the 21st Century

Author: Frank Leo

Education is paramount for one to thrive in the modern competitive world. There’s need for increased creativity and innovation with the aid of technology.

This article primarily seeks to explore various ways that can be used to enable education suitin the 21stcentury. Their usefulness has also been highlighted. Among the possible parameters that have been taken into consideration so as to enhance conformity of education as per the 21st century include the following:

Creativity-a more emphasis is now on creativity rather than just memorizing the content for the purpose of excelling exams. In this case, learners are advised to use the knowledge acquired in their various area of profession in coming up with ideas meant to solve the existing problems in the society. Students should for example contemplate news methods of eradicating poverty, diseases, hunger and pollution.

Innovation-with the sophisticated nature of technology in the 21st century, education ought to be utilized in changing the lives of people by improving on the already existing possible solutions to various problems. For instance, there is need for a more environmental friendly source of energy. Learners are therefore supposed to improve on renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and biogas.

Digitalized platforms-students should also focus on how to digitalize the commerce, transport, health, agriculture, real estate, government sectors and education in general.

Collaboration-learners from various field of professions share out their knowledge, ideas and experience meant to reduce the complexity of a given problem. Doctors can for example work together with the informationtechnology (IT) experts on how to improve the data base of patients. This could be quite difficult if doctor were to prepare the database alone keeping it in mind that they are not much conversant with the database technology as they could be in the medical field. The IT experts on the other hand need to understand all about the patient, and this is provided by doctors. Thus, collaborative education is a necessity in the contemporary world.

National integration-with the vast dynamic changes in technology, the curriculum ought to be internationally integrated so as to allow learners to enroll online degree programs or apply scholarships in their respective universities of choice.

Multitasking-People need to be diversified in many fields. They need to look beyond their profession. For example, one can work during the day as a teacher while working part time (at night)as an e-commerce trader. By doing so, the level of unemployment is reduced as a result. Hence the modern education should be delivered such that learners are equipped with all the necessary skills in facing the real life situations.

Critical thinking- Learners are supposed to be flexible in thinking so as to contain various disastrous situations for example incases there’s fire breakout and floods.

Embracing culture-Moral values, proper dressing cords and ethical standards should be instilled to learners apart from professional studies. This helps graduates to peacefully coexist with other people in the society as far as the 21st century is concerned.

Communication-with the digitalized social media platforms such as Facebook, e-mail and tweeter just to mention but a few,learns ought to showcase clarity in communication for effective learning.